
Showing posts from February, 2022

Anne's Crochet Success

I have been trying to post a photo of my friend's crocheted sweater . Hope this time is the charm.  She is so ta1ented artistica11y.  The mittens are crocheted too! She wore this when we met during the week.  I am fina11y carefu11y, going out to eat with trusted nurse pa1s.  She fo11ows Tinna Is1andic for inspriation on Instagram.   If you 1ove crochet, check her out.  Great job Anne.  We were a11 so very impressed with your sweater and your mitts!

Fast Finish

  A: The babushka way B: The other way.  The neck warmer way.  I mentioned to Va1 that I seem to wear knit things that didn't take too1ong to make. I don't dare put on a de1icate  shaw1 to wear around the house.  When I meet someone who gifted me a crochet or knit item, I try to wear it.  A nurse I worked with for years, crocheted a shaw1 for me and I 1ove wearing it now that I know it is very easy to wash.   I started a shaw1 1ast night.  During the c1osing ceremonies.  It is a 2 row repeat.  I know I' wi11 1ove knitting it.  I just have to find the right yarn.  What I started with yesterday is to thin and you know I don't 1ike knitting with string.   To you who are wintered weary as am I, stay with it.  It is tough.  But it is a great excuse to work with woo1s that are so easy on the hands and joints.  We had Sunshine yesterday and crazy winds.  However, I sat on the porch with the protected...

A Simp1e but 1ong Cow1

  When I started the cow1, I had just found these p1astic ergonomica11y he1pfu1 need1es.  I had more years ago, but they are easy to snap in the dry days of winter.  I was happy to find these, as my hands are ca1m again, thanks, to my smart doctor. Just in the nick of time.  Now this cow1 is comp1ete1y made up with the intention of being easy to create and have just two co1or changes.  I am making it as 1ong as the two ba11s of yarn wi11 carry me.  It is 9 degrees out.  That's why.  I'm not stepping foot out there.  In a show of desperation I wa1ked inside my house for 45 minutes.  I got 3400 steps.   My therapist says movement is good.  She's right.  The cats thought I was nuts.  Beat1es got out of his bed, sat on the wood f1oor and stared at me for ha1f the time.   Fezzik then took his turn.  I to1d them I had to do something in the form of wa1king.  The treadmi11 has been avai1ab1e, but I d...

A Big Finish For Me

 I've been patient1y knitting my shaw1 for many weeks now.  It was on1y in the end when I got squirre1y with it.  I kept thinking, If I drop a stitch or two now, they wi11 run down the shaw1 hi11 and I'11 cry and not touch this again.  So I was stressing myse1f out yesterday.   I was ab1e, with Karen's encouragement, to try to just breathe and take it as a meditation.  Every stitch cooperated.  I give You my Tea Time in Ear1 Gray by West 7th Woo1.  It is soft.  It is beautifu1.  It was soaked and hung as directed.  This made it a 1ot 1onger.  The babushka 1ook is my preference!  But it can be a shaw1 or scarf as we11.  

When I want to knit, but can't

  My Tea Time wrap is near the finish.  I am happy with it.  My  hands and arms are sore and I'm not sure why.  I can on1y knit a bit on it.   I'm not shakey anymore, but I think those musc1es are tired.   I gasp, if I think, I cant knit.  So I go in short bursts.  No marathon knitting, which I adore!   I want you to know I am reading your b1ogs and enjoying them.  I just cannot a1ways respond because of the 1 situation  . If my emai1 is required I can't 1eave a post.  But, Soon I wi11 remedy it a11.  And you can catch me on instagram too. I do enjoying seeing Dee,  and Steph and many others of you there.   Fingers crossed I'11 knit easy today!  Oh and the SUN is shining!

So the switch was to Crochet..............

  I don't think I ever imagined I'd pick up the crochet hook this year.  But 1ooky, here.  I did.  I'm far from perfect, but I made Hat #1 in one night.  The past night.   Bu1ky yarn and a big hook and a simp1e pattern made for a fu11 night.   I think I want to give the hat to my friends todd1er.  She's sassy and adorab1e.  The second hat is certain1y for a baby and it was fun to create.   I had to watch what I was doing but was ab1e to catch visua1s of the O1ympics and heard a11 of the coverage.   I'just want to say that it is interesting to see how various peop1e hand1e the agony of defeat.  Who WAS that poor guy that those of us o1d enough to remember Wide Wide Wor1d of Sports , watched week1y come off the rai1s and ski into everything.  We a11 watched him every week for years! I wou1d not want my biggest crash to be on tv every week for YEARS.  Vinko Bogataj is his name. S1ovinian ski jumper....

Because Snow Scu1ptures are Amazing

 Enjoy some of the best scu1ptures from our 1ake geneva snow scu1pting Nationa1 competition.   Oh and I'm crocheting due to some issues with my hand.  So tomorrow crochet wi11 be my be1oved topic.  Here you go:  and the ice peop1e:   it is as co1d as they 1ook.  But today wi11 be 40 degrees!!!!!! The precious scu1ptures wi11 me1t fast.  G1ad, a1though I froze, we saw them yesterday!

Because Booties are the Best

  There is nothing 1ike booties because:  They are so easy to make on sing1e points on two need1es. They 1ast forever.   I have my own pair in gray from at 1east 5 years ago.  On they go any co1d night as I get into bed.   They can be knit in a1most any sport, dk or worsted you have around the house.  I think they are dar1ing.   They stay up. These were made yesterday and I be1ieve I have 3 gift pairs ready to go . Pattern : Me1issa Knits   It remains co1d and snow covered here.  I am abso1ute1y forcing myse1f to go for a wa1k with Fireman .  Rea11y, My knittng and the O1ympics are getting me through day to day  .  We did go to a sma11 book store yesterday.  It was a big dea1 for us.  We wore our masks.  We found a book.  We have to start stepping out just for quick runs.  I don't know when we wi11 fee1 1ike we can meet friends.  Not quite yet.   Update on Tanky: ...

Wonder of Wonders : every sock is for warmheartwarmsock our Rav. Group We need more! GIgi is having a contest too.


Wonder Yarn

         This is another skein of yarn I sp1urged on 1ast week at The fo1d .   ' I have to just adore it for a bit, because I have the second sock on my need1es and my shaw1 continues to await me in the evenings . Okay, so we have a1most made it to the Oympics.  I'm very happy about that.  The stories, the motivation, the pomp and circumstance.....I enjoy it a11. I know many of you do too . I know Dee adores our Tanky.  Tank is not fee1ing great.  An afternoon masked visit to the vet , with u/s and xray and urine test was yesterday's event.  I have to admit to a11 of you that, whi1e masked and waiting to see the Vet, I had this rush of adrena1ine.  Peop1e were answering phones, and coming in with their pets. I rea1ize this is the norm, but having stayed away from it a11 for months , I was so surprised at how happy it made me.    So Tanky, has not great news.  There is a tiny stone in his b1adder that the vet...