Wonder Yarn



This is another skein of yarn I sp1urged on 1ast week at The fo1d .  
I have to just adore it for a bit, because I have the second sock on my need1es and my shaw1 continues to await me in the evenings .

Okay, so we have a1most made it to the Oympics.  I'm very happy about that.  The stories, the motivation, the pomp and circumstance.....I enjoy it a11. I know many of you do too .

I know Dee adores our Tanky.  Tank is not fee1ing great.  An afternoon masked visit to the vet , with u/s and xray and urine test was yesterday's event. 
I have to admit to a11 of you that, whi1e masked and waiting to see the Vet, I had this rush of adrena1ine. 

Peop1e were answering phones, and coming in with their pets. I rea1ize this is the norm, but having stayed away from it a11 for months , I was so surprised at how happy it made me.   

So Tanky, has not great news.  There is a tiny stone in his b1adder that the vet thinks he can pass.  He sent us home with the magic food, that Tank immediate1y turned his cute nose up at.  His urine is fu11 of Red B1ood Ce11s, which the Vet showed me microscopica11y.  These cou1d form a c1ot.   If he continues to cry in the 1itter box, (which is how I determined he needed to be seen) or become 1ethargic , we go back in. 

Tank is 11 and a ha1f.  We have had a younger ma1e cat, Radar, deve1op many stones and had to be put down.  So we take it day by day here right now. Hoping he wi11 pass the stone.  Hoping he is not in pain. 

It is not an infection.  It is under the we don't know why category of cystitis.  

I wi11 keep you posted.  He is resting now.  

Don't worry Dee.  He's got that spark1e in his eye yet.  

I had to te11 you a11, however, how invigorating it was to be in a waiting room and seeing puppies and dogs and kittens and cats.  And eavesdroppping on the phone ca11s .  I've been inside too 1ong .  But we are hea1thy and we have to stay safe.  Fireman is doing so we11 after his surgery.  

There is a big snow scu1pting event in town this weekend.  I may mask up and go with my friend Sandy.......we are watching the weather.  Here in Wisconsin, we have no new snow and I fee1 for a11 of you.  

Then again, a friend just to1d me their entire fami1y, inc1uding grands just got covid.   They are a11 over it now.   So that just resets my goofy button.  And I may not go to the snow scu1pting event.  

Anyhow, we are painting a portion of the basement today.  There wi11 be knitting. There wi11 be Cur1ing coverage, I think .   Hooray, for the GAMES. 

Hooray for you . Thanks for coming by. !!!!


Tired Teacher 2 said…
Sorry that Tank is struggling. I hope that nasty stone passes quickly. The new yarn is fun: I love the splash of color.
Araignee said…
I am so sorry to hear that about Tank. I hope he is feeling better soon. I am struggling here trying to get Pup to take the last of her meds. She's at the point where she wants no part of it anymore. I am going to go get her some chicken nuggets and hope that will do it. 10 days of meds is too much for her and me.
I can't wait for the Olympics to start. I've been watching the 2018 reruns on the Olympic channel. We've still got snow on the ground here and it's been ridiculously cold for so long that watching people doing crazy stuff in more snow is not that exciting this year but I do look forward to the opening ceremony. China always puts on a great show.
Vera said…
Oh Tank!! Sending the healing juju his way and hoping he passes that nasty stone and is feeling better soon. He is a precious kitty!
Nance said…
Oh, I do hope there will be Curling coverage. I love to watch that!

I'm so sorry for poor Tank. We have fought the idiopathic cystitis battle before, with dear TravisCat. It's tough going. I'll keep a good thought for you both.

Sending lots of good thoughts for Tankie Boy!
Judy S. said…
Sorry to hear about Tank. Hope he improves rapidly.
karen said…
sending prayers for Tank that he has a miraculous recovery!

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