End of a Blog, but not this One

(some of my perennials) (annuals ..just had hair cut) (help. What is this? ) With the news of our moving soon, I had to tell Lynette at my LYS that I was not going to be able to continue writing her blog. (threebagsfullcorner.blogspot.com) We had fun while it lasted. I enjoyed showing you the things her students and staff were working on. Lynette gave me loads of freedom to write, photograph and publish as I saw fit. Thanks Lynette. I won't be gone, just not around as much. I am making sure that wherever we move, I will have access to a good knit shop or two. So after I diligently knitted and felted a square for my felted slippers, I decided I didn't want to knit them. Ha. Scatter brained ? Me? Just a little. I'm knitting that Christmas Stocking I had a hankering for last week. Bought my cascade yarn yesterday; a skien of red and a skein of green. I want a felted stocking and s...