Last Monday Q AND A of June 2016

My second necklace finish.  This one knitted in Misti Alpaca Cotton and Pima Silk.  I have to block it.  It is
 the Assemblage pattern by a woman named Kirsten Johnstone, 
as I mentioned last week.  It is mine because me and cotton love each other.  
Today's Monday Questions and Answers, 
here we go. 
Let's have fun....

*Where do you keep your favorite old patterns? 
I keep mine in a red three ring binder. 
Sort of old school and obsolete eh? But, it works for me. I still have to have that piece of paper, (sorry trees) in my hand.  

*When was the last time you got to bottle feed a baby?
I got to feed three abandoned kittens at the shelter yesterday.  Oh joy for me. I love to feed.  They were sloppy and vigorous and hangry !!!!

*What knitting will you pick up and enjoy today?
I started a silly pair of slippers that will be felted. Why yes, it  is in the 90s here and humid.  Why do you ask?

*Can you do a flip turn? 
Do you think this is a knitting question?  No, I mean the swimming thing.   I cannot do a flip turn. Never could. Water up my nose no matter and afraid to hit the wall with my head.   Watching Olympic trials with swimmer fireman made me think of this question. 

*You just won a raffle. 
What's your pick? 
*Craftsy on line class?
*Independent yarn dyers sock yarn?
*mystery yarny gifts in a wrapped box? 
(my pick is the mystery box) 

*You can photograph anything perfectly and show us on your blog tomorrow. 
What will it be?
We have so many fireflies blinking in sync the last few nights.  Our yard is like a faery land. I'd love to capture them all mid blink for you. 

* Name a New knit website to check out please-

*Name something you only drink in summer-
Iced tea!!! 

*You are give a new skill
Do you choose
a) talk to the animals
b) talk to the dead
c)talk on the radio and have your own show for a night

Oh I'd take the radio in a minute!

Have fun.  Oh my gosh, next week is JULY!


KSD said…
I'm gonna have to think on a couple of those questions a while. You saved tough ones for last!

Congratulations on the necklace! This is the link to the one I was telling you about:
Katherine said…
1. I keep my patterns in plastic sleeves in binders--many, many binders. I'm running out of storage space but I can't give up any of my patterns!
2. Last August I was able to feed sweet baby great-granddaughter. Later I fed 2 year old great-granddaughter mac and cheese while she sat in my lap. It was a messy affair and I loved every minute of it!
3. I'm making a ruffled sleep cap for a family member who is having chemo. It is so cute I can't wait to finish.
4. I'm an old competitive swimmer so yes, I can do a flip turn. Also, I have hit the wall many times. I don't know a swimmer who hasn't which is probably why we are all a bit addled.
5. I love surprises so mystery gift would be my choice.
6. I try to get the perfect picture of the pups but they move too fast. I would love to take a portrait quality photo of them.
7. I haven't looked at any new pattern sites for a while, probably because I can't find a place for the patterns I already have.
8. I drink iced tea year round but in the summer I drink twice the amount of water I drink in the winter, which is a lot!
9. I would love to talk to animals! I already to talk to the pups but I would love to really know what they are saying back. Or maybe not....
Tired Teacher said…
1. Like Katherine, I keep my patterns in plastic sleeves in binders, also on my computer and sometimes on Ravelry
2. Far too long - a couple of decades.
3. I'm knitting a Hitchhiker scarf out of Noro Sock Yarn - I love the vivid colors.
4. I'm not a swimmer - no flip and turn for me.
5. Hmm, good choices - I'd take the mystery box.
6. I'd like to get at least one good selfie - not going to happen, believe me I've tried and tried.
7. I've found some good knitting patterns on Pinterest.
8. Beer - I only drink it in the summer and then only a couple in the warm summer months.
9. Given the choices, I would like to talk to animals.
Bridget said…
I'm with KSD on this one - I'm gonna have to give some of these some thought!

I love the necklace, but think you should give us a picture of you wearing it - I'd like to see how it looks on a person. :-)
Vera said…
*Where do you keep your favorite old patterns?

I use 3 ring binders – too many of them. I need to weed out stuff I know I will NEVER knit.

*When was the last time you got to bottle feed a baby?

Too long ago

*What knitting will you pick up and enjoy today?

Hopefully some socks…depends on how tired I am tonight.

*Can you do a flip turn?

I used to do those years ago, but I haven’t been in a pool in years (and I miss it).

What's your pick?
*Craftsy on line class?
*Independent yarn dyers sock yarn?
*mystery yarny gifts in a wrapped box?

Mystery box! Fun surprises!!

*You can photograph anything perfectly and show us on your blog tomorrow.
What will it be?

A friend of mine just took some awesome pictures of eagles – flying, perching, fish clutched in claws, etc. Would love to do that.

* Name a New knit website to check out please-

I haven’t come across any new ones lately.

*Name something you only drink in summer-

More apt to drink white wine in the summer (usually I only drink red). Also mojitos, margaritas (frozen)…yes, these are all drinks with alcohol!

*You are give a new skill
Do you choose
a) talk to the animals
b) talk to the dead
c)talk on the radio and have your own show for a night

Talk to the animals for sure!

Teresa Kasner said…
*Where do you keep your favorite old patterns?
I do have a binder of some patterns but honestly, I am completely not organized.

*When was the last time you got to bottle feed a baby?
Can't even remember.

*What knitting will you pick up and enjoy today?
Nothing today.. must do a report for a meeting which I'm upset about.

*Can you do a flip turn?

*You just won a raffle. What's your pick?
*Craftsy on line class?
*Independent yarn dyers sock yarn?
*mystery yarny gifts in a wrapped box?
Gifts in a box of course.

*You can photograph anything perfectly and show us on your blog tomorrow. What will it be?
A thatched hut on stilts in an aquamarine bay in Bali.

* Name a New knit website to check out please-
Ummm.. yours. :-)

*Name something you only drink in summer-
I drink iced tea all year.

*You are give a new skill
Do you choose
a) talk to the animals
b) talk to the dead
c)talk on the radio and have your own show for a night
Anonymous said…
Answers are on my blog:

Now feeding baby KITTENS would be right up my alley!
Araignee said…
1. A red folder that's stuffed. I need another because I can't find anything.
2. New grandson a few weeks ago. He hates the bottle though so I mixed it with cereal and spooned it in.
3. Son's gray cardi sleeves and my Featherweight's bottom ribbing.
4. No for the same reasons you have.
5. Sock yarn of course but I do love my Craftsy.
6. A simple flower. My plant photos are terrible.
7. Look at Fait Main over on my side bar. It's in French but the woman is a MACHINE.
8. Ice water. I keep a small pitcher on the counter all day and make myself drink it.
9. Animals. Dead people scare me. If I had a radio voice I would have a podcast but I sound like Minnie Mouse on crack.
Stacey Minter said…
Have my answers on my blog. Thanks for another round of questions. These I had to think on. Hope you have a wonderful week.
Anonymous said…
How do you block that necklace? Are you actually blocking the tube flat?
1. If the pattern is a PDF, I download it to my laptop and then upload to my Google Drive. If it's in a book, I tend to snap pictures of the instructions onto my phone.
2. The last time I bottle fed a baby was probably six years ago when my first godson was a baby. I haven't babysat my brother's firstborn; I was too busy w/PTA then in the city. We never watched the youngest; he's a mama's boy and even rejects my brother. We live farther away anyways now.
3. I'm am trying to finish this sock.
4. No; I can barely freestyle. I tread better than swimming a lap.
5. Indie sock yarn.
6. I'd like to catch a squirrel in action.
7. Hmmm...
8. Filtered, ice water
9. Animals I guess.
Delighted Hands said…
Good questions and I enjoy reading your answers! I would like the fireflies photo=they are hard to find here-it is so dry and not firefly woodsy!
Betsy said…
1. I keep my patterns in 3 ring binders. I have binders for charity knitting, crochet, sweaters, mittens, etc. So I think I have about 15 binders.

2. Snuggling and feeding babies in the church nursery. We've been blessed with lots of babies in the past years.

3. So far I've knitted on mittens, socks and a shawl today.

4. I can't swim at all. And I mean at all! I can't even float.

5. OOOOOHHHH! Indy dyer sock yarn. I would love to be able to buy some but it's not in the budget.

6. Love in action. People helping other people. I don't know how I would photograph that but the world definitely needs more kindness in it and I would love to catch an example on film.

7. Legacy Knitz Podcast. It's hilarious.

8. Ice Tea, but we have it in the refrigerator all year. I really don't change my habits in the summer.

9. None of the above thank you very much! :-)

That was fun.

kathy b said…
Kim , I Like the Times 7 scarf link on Ravelry. Thanks!

Bridget, look back a few posts and you'll see me wearing the first one I made with sock yarn! its cute!
Caffeine Girl said…
*Where do you keep your favorite old patterns? In a binder, organized by type of pattern.

*When was the last time you got to bottle feed a baby? No idea!
It has been years.

*What knitting will you pick up and enjoy today?
Socks and mittens.

*Can you do a flip turn?
I cannot do this at all.

*You just won a raffle.

*You can photograph anything perfectly and show us on your blog tomorrow.
What will it be?
No idea.

* Name a New knit website to check out please-

*Name something you only drink in summer-
Starbucks Via Instant Herbal tea

*You are give a new skill
Do you choose
b) talk to the dead

1. In my Knit Companion app on my phone and on my computer
2. Long time ago
3. My sock blanket. I got a whole row done this afternoon!!! Yay!
4. Yes but it's not pretty
5. SOCK YARN!!!!
6. We have the firefly thing going on here too. It's magic! Would love to capture it
7. Fruity Knitting Podcast. It's very interesting and informative.
8. Why on earth would one want to limit them self like that! LOL!
9. Animals for sure.
karen said…
your necklace is beautiful!!! You are so talented :) I would pick the indie dyed yarn over a mystery box - I like knowing!! I have binders for printed out patterns which I still prefer over virtual on the ipad. Silly!

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