Read Carefully, Very Carefully

 I'm using my cool bag from Knoxville for my ruched scarf project.
Below is yarn for your viewing pleasure. 
So, I got my Cooking light Magazine yesterday and on the last page is a recipe for SHEET PAN S'MORES.  It is a big old full page recipe so I'm not posting it.  You can go to their website, I bet , and have a look see. 

Well , I always read the Serving Size breakdown in nutrition. 
I swore it said 79 grams of fat per 1 square serving.  
Now I know that some things like, say, Whoppers and Double Whoppers etc, do truly have a high fat content like you wouldn't believe. 

But in a Cooking Light magazine?  I reread it this morning in disbelief, and realized it says 7.9 Grams of fat.  That's 7 POINT 9 grams of fat.  Hee hee.  Reading too fast again.  

It's hot and humid and I'm loving it.  It is SUMMER in CHICAGO. 
Zach' is done with teaching.  Kudos to my son who is a very patient man.  His 3rd year of teaching 300 students.  Jr High Students no less.  That really says 300 students.  Not 30 and not 3.  He's amazing. 


Delighted Hands said…
Teaching is a gift and those who don't have the gift don't last long as teachers!
Very funny about the fat count-so picky to have to see that little dot! lol
Always nice to have a good project bag!
Janet said…
I like the pretty colors of your project bag and that you can see inside.
Betsy said…
I remember when our son Alex was teaching junior high. He called me one night and asked me, "What is wrong with these girls? One minute they're laughing hysterically, the next crying hysterically for no apparent reason." I said, "Hormones Alex, it's hormones. Get used to the junior high life of girls!" He didn't know what to do with them and here was his mom laughing her head off at him. :-). I love, love, love your new yarn. What is it? And yes, I laughed at your s'mores story too. Thank you for that. Have a wonderful weekend.
Anonymous said…
Just got my Cooking Light today and immediately went to look. LOL OH MY! They look delicious. Glad they don't REALLY have 79 grams of fat.

Although ........through the years Cooking Light seems to be less "light". I've been a subscriber from the beginning.
Araignee said…
Hahahahaha....that reminds me of the time I told The Mister to give Daughter (when she was little) 3/4ths of a spoonful of medicine. He thought I said 3-4 spoonfuls. Poison control got a call that night!
Meredith said…
Yes he is because junior high students are a tough breed. 7.9 sounds a lot better, are you going to make them? Come to Florida it is hot and humid here too!
Teresa Kasner said…
Your son is to be admired for succeeding teaching so many kids. OK, I got my sock yarn home. Now to find a pattern that is easy. Suggestions? ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Tired Teacher said…
It takes a special person to teach middle schoolers, I'm glad Zach has found his niche.
Beautiful yarn!
Anonymous said…
Mmm, that recipe sounds delicious! Kudos to your teacher son.

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