Attention Attention , Do I have your Attention?

Just a little eye candy to announce my CONTEST giveaway.

You don't win him.  I don t even know who he is but he's on my friend's locker in our locker room.... but now that I have your attention.....

In honor of  you you you who read the posts and comment on the blog and make me feel so lucky to know you and you could win:

One of 3 prizes.  There will be 3 winners. Yippeee!!

Prizes will include:

STITCH Markers....for all you lace folk.  They are adorable.  I will post the prizes each day over the next 3 days.

YARN: Sock yarn because its summer folks and I'm all about sock knitting

and  A Chicago Blackhawks prize.... because we are after all in Chicago!!!

Just leave a comment on this post and only this post.  Entries are due by Monday June 24th when I go to bed.  (Usually 930 Chicago time...hee hee I am early to bed)

Le t me know if your a lurker, lurkers have a place here too.  


Suburban prep said…
Hoping the Hawks can pull this one out.
Wow what incentive on your friends locker.
Meredith said…
I think it looks like Tim McGraw, count me in!
Suzanne said…
I'm on the east coast and will admit that I'm routing for the Hawks too.
Goldenleo said…
I would love the sock yarn...and yes, I'm a lurker.
kathy b said…
I'm embarrassed to say I know but it is indeed Tim McGraw. I must know because he looks so much like me shirtless. NOT!!!

The Fireman!
Araignee said…
You don't see a half nekked guy on knitting blogs very often these days-especially ones with a little chests hair. Thanks for sharing!
Sue said…
Can Bruin fans join in?
Tanna said…
Oh, yeah. You had our attention, Kathy! LOL! I'm just sayin'... ;) Wishing your Hawks good luck! blessings ~ tanna
gMarie said…
Oh I just need more time in my day. What nice prizes. Let me guess who you are rooting for on Saturday - eh? g
Gracie Saylor said…
Well, you got my attention, too, Kathy :-) I want to knit many more socks in my lifetime, and you encourage me in that desire. Thanks!
Caroline said…
Ha,ha, you did make me look twice, even though, I'm pretty sure I'm old enough to be his mother,
Caroline said…
Ha,ha, you did make me look twice, even though, I'm pretty sure I'm old enough to be his mother,
Estella said…
We are cheering for the Blackhawks too - we recently moved to MA and are actually Rangers fans. So when I asked my son who he was cheering for he replied "The Blackhawks". I then queried "do your friends (rabid Bruins fans) know" - silence. Cracked me up.
Bridget said…
I love giveaways, even if I don't win (but of course I do like to win ...)

Have a lovely weekend!
Karen said…
Most of the time I lurk, but in a nice way:)
I'm another Bruins fan...
Grace said…
60%lurker 40% commenter

always been a black hawks fan because I love their logo!!!

ANd I had an awful crush on Tug McGraw, Tim's dad when he played for the NY Mets many many like almost 50 years ago
Nancy said…
I'll pass on throwing my hat in the ring, but thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
Celia said…
I don't get the guy?? He would look good painting my house.
Nonna Rose said…
Lurker! You are on my blog roll :)
Patt said…
I lurk, but I also comment. I am originally from Chicago, Skokie, really. And I loved Keith Magnuson #3 Chicago Black Hawks, years ago! Love when you mention places I know!
fancystitching said…
What a way to start my morning! Eye candy, indeed. And I LOVE Fireman's comment.

Thanks for the give-away. That would just add ANOTHER REASON to keep reading your blog, along with the thought that maybe we are sisters separated at birth, as shown through our choices of yarn and knitting patterns? Have a wonderful weekend in Chicagoland!
Unknown said…
Well, you got my attention! LOL! And it appears it popped eyes across the country! Thanks for the fun.
Sarah said…
I think I drooled a little on my computer keyboard.

Count me in for any of your prizes!

Thank you!

ktssarahh at gmail dot com
SissySees said…
You're so kind... and I love your blog. Look at all the comments today!
Katherine said…
Thank you! I'm awake now! I will be popping back several times today to look at your post.

Happy first day of summer. Hope it is a beautiful day.

Go Hawks!!!!!
Ewe-niss said…
Faithful Lurker here :-)
Mrs. Micawber said…
You mean that's NOT the Fireman?

Sounds like a great giveaway - count me in! :)
Alyssa said…
Whoa... Hunky! :)
elns said…
Insert school girl giggling here. ha! I have a small browser window setting, so it was all "man" when I opened your blog. holy hot pants, Kathy! Happy Weekend!
Anni said…
What a sweet giveaway.
Maureen said…
Great giveaway thank you!!
Lynn said…
Oh you HAD my attention for sure!!! Him and sock yarn could get me thru this summer heat!!! Actually he'll probably add to it, but I'll cope!
KSD said…
Tim McGraw and Faith Hill live not too far from my parents' place, but I never saw him like this. ;)

Good warm-up for Knitters' Hunk, though.
Anonymous said…
We don't win him?!! There's always a catch. Sigh.
Anonymous said…
You have my attention --- you mentioned sock yarn.

I agree with Meredith --- it KIND OF looks like Tim McGraw. But, not exactly.
Debbi said…
Boston fan here. Hoping you will be up later than 9:30 tonight, but not too much later. We would like to beat you in regular play not overtime. HEHEHE. I have been a lurker for about 3 years since I won a contest from you long time ago. Thanks for running the contest.
RedClayLady said…
You CAN'T go to bed at 9:30 tonight--stay up to cheer on the Blackhawks!
RedClayLady said…
You can't go to bed at 9:30 tonight; you have to cheer the Blackhawks! Knitting, 'Hawks, and a half-naked Tim McGraw--I love this blog!
RedClayLady said…
Knitting, Blackhawks, and a half-naked Tim McGraw--I love this blog! You have to stay up past 9:30; you don't want to miss the 'Hawks winning the Stanley Cup!
AthertonCA said…
Thank you for the generous giveaway. I read your blog on my iPad using the Feeddler app. Nice yarn trumps shirtless man any day.
Thanks so much for not just disqualifying this silly woman! I've never been very good at following directions. :)

Now will you enter me? Please?

LYNN said…
Frieda said…
Count me in as well , if we can't have him sock yarn is a pretty good prize too !

Cheering for the Hawks and hometown boy Cory Crawford !
from an occasional lurker ...

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