New Years Eve Meme 2015
Are you finishing a project before the New Year ? I may be finishing this comfy cable cowl tonight but there's no rush. Oh Cotton I love thee. **** Did you donate your time/knits to charity in 2015? I know so many of you did. I donated mittens. I also cleansed the pile of hats and scarves that we just don't need and sent them to charity drives in town. ***** Did you meet up with any bloggers? I did! Donna and Judy to name a few. ***** Did you take a yarn class? I did not. Not for lack of trying! My correct your mistakes class was cancelled due to lack of interest... What? Am I the only one who makes mistakes? ***** Did you Knit in a doctor's waiting room in 2015? I did! When Zach broke his clavicle. ***** Did you buy more yarn, needles or patterns in 2015? **** and Finally, Did you go to Ravelry often? For groups? for Patterns? for your own project...