A Tree, Some Wool and A Cookie Recipe

 Well, I was wrong. 
The tree stands tall. 
Only Miss Pie has ventured underneath the boughs and branches...
Ha!  I am not about to hang ornaments.
It is early...way early...yet. 
We went to BIG bulbs this year instead of tiny white lights.
I'm loving the change. 
Do you do big lights?
I  broke my own rule and bought wool at my LYS on Friday. 
Millamia wool just doesn't feel like wool. 
I know better don't I? 
I guess I don't. 
The allure of the shaping that only wool can give, has me trying again. 

I give you today, a favorite recipe.
So so good.
So so easy:
Easy Oreo Truffles 

1 package oreo chocolate sandwich cookies , divided
1 package Philadelphia Cream Cheese softened
2 oz Baker's semi sweet Baking chocolate

Crush 9 cookies finely.  Set aside

Crush remaining 36 cookies to crumbs and place in bowl.
Add cream cheese and blend well.
Roll this cookie mixture into 42 balls.

Dip the balls in melted chocolate and place on wax paper covered baking sheet.
Sprinkle with reserved crushed cookie crumbs.

Refrigerate until firm . One hour.
Keep covered in fridge. 

So good so easy.
They are decadent!



Tired Teacher said…
If I made cookies anymore, I'd be tempted to try your recipe.

Glad the tree is still standing. ;o)
Linda said…
That recipe sounds so easy and yummy! Thanks!!

I don't do the big bulbs - but I do like them. My parents (up until the time they quit putting up a tree) always did the big bulbs. And my Dad still has some original tinsel (that he used to hang strand by strand) - so pretty!

Linda in VA
Teresa Kasner said…
Love the tree.. I do like the big bulbs but we have a pre-lit tree with mini bulbs.. you can switch from color to white! Great new knit.. bravo to do the pattern. The truffles sound good.. but I like mine really smooth so that won't work. But thanks for promoting Oreos.. my son works at the Oreo factory!! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Meredith said…
The tree looks very vintage. Ours isn't up yet, not til next weekend when my boy comes ho,e
Hi Kathy

Could you drop me an e-mail please. Thanks. Amy xx
Judy S. said…
Nice tree! It's about 100 times taller than ours. :>) So far the cats haven't even noticed it.
Delighted Hands said…
I get the allure of the wools.......this is beautiful for a sock! Knit it, love doing it and if you don't like the feel-gift them; perfect!

The recipe sounds wonderful, thanks!!

I used to do big lights, now they are small and not twinkling! lol
Araignee said…
I love big bulbs and tinsel like the trees when I was a kid. Every time I watch an old movie that has an old fashioned tree I wonder how they made them so pretty back in the day.
Wool rocks for knitting but WHY does it have to be so itchy? Cormo is not. If you can get your hands on some (or spin some) it is like nothing you have ever felt that came off a critter. You can wear underwear made from it.
Unknown said…
When I was growing up, our tree lights had huge bulbs. We had three or so strings and none of them matched size wise and we used tons of silver tinsel. I still think that those mismatched lights and cheap crinkly tinsel made the prettiest trees I've ever seen!
The big bulbs look great don't they! I am just finishing up a scarf in milamia yarn, and it is lovely, but it doesn't have a "wooly" feel, but that is good for otherwise I itch! xx
Stefanie said…
I like the brightly lit star on top of your tree. It goes with your bold lights.

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