Sew What....

 The Tradition continues.  Scary Santa is watching.
I love this guy.
My grown kids ....meh..not so much. 
 This may be my favorite Christmas music. 
I love most all of it, but James...ahhh that voice.
So pure. 
So soothing.
I purchased these pot holders at a craft faire for a friend. 
Sometimes, when I see these cute sewn things, I ponder learning to sew.
I don't have a machine.
I don't have the tools. 
I"m kind of  impatient. 
Do you think I could learn?
I surely would only sew a few seams...
Line a few wool things......
Make a few curtains .....
Applique intrigues me.

Goal for 2016?

You all know me.....
what do you think.
Please be brutally honest!


Katherine said…
You can do it Kathy! Sewing is not that hard. It can call for patience and a steady hand at times but it is also very forgiving. I would have quit before now if it was too hard!

Whoa, that Santa IS scary, but you have to wonder why he is so serious. Did he lose a reindeer or something?
elns said…
haha! I love your creepy Santa Clause if only for the fact that it weirds your kids out. Ha, maybe it's a Mom thing.

I have been thinking about learning to sew as well. I'm impatient and have no machine. So I'm probably not the best to ask, as I've been on the fence about it for a few years. Not the wanting but the actual learning.

As for you. I would say if you like something you will do it. See if you can enlist a friend for some basic lessons or take a neighborhood craft class. See how you take to it before you ... invest. xoxo
Araignee said…
If I can sew, you can sew. I HATE sewing machines but if you keep it simple it's not too bad. Straight seams only-on a cheapo machine that only does straight and zig zag. That's all you need to make some really nice things.
Linda said…
Oh I love James Taylor. Didn't know he had a Christmas CD!! We already know I can't sew (reference one of my recent blog posts - LOL!)

Linda in VA
Stefanie said…
Hey, if I can learn, you can. Pinterest is a terrific source for first timers and Dana's YouTube channel - MADE Everyday, is great.
Anonymous said…
Well, I certainly don't think you are too OLD to learn. Where there's a will, there's a way.

However ......I never did like sewing. Love to knit. Love to cross stitch. But, regular sewing ...not my thing. I have a machine. I use it for easy repairs and that's about it.

I think you could probably take a few lessons at JoAnn's before you committed to buying a machine. If you really like it, THEN get a nice machine.
You could learn to sew! Just think straight lines to start with! xx
Tired Teacher said…
Find a quilt shop in your area and ask if they give lessons - most do and have machines can be used, too.
Delighted Hands said…
Of course you can sew! I say find a simple but gorgeous little idea and go with it. Check out the videos on YouTube like Vanessa on Crafty Gemini;

and love the creative outlet!
Teresa Kasner said…
I vote for you to get a sewing machine. I got a vintage Singer Featherweight which I love..

Everyone needs a sewing machine!

Teresa :-)
Unknown said…
If I can learn, you can learn! Go for it!
Judy S. said…
Wish I could send you a copy of DD#2's kiddos screaming in the arms of Santa. As for sewing, I know you can do it! So, try!
Meredith said…
Sewing completely humbles me. I have the machines, I have the patterns, I just can't sew a straight line.

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