LYS inspiration

 Today's eye candy is from my LYS.
The tree stand above is for folks who knit with very fine fibers.
Not me.
They sell for 118 dollars.  
They are supposed to be just great for keeping your colors and lines straight. 
People think of the best tools.

This Stephen West beauty is on display too. 
I like that my LYS shows projects of many skillsets.
Clearly this one requires some careful knitting, but it doesn't look impossible. 
I love the twisted collar on it and I love the colors. 

The tree is going up today.
Wish us luck. 
The cats are about to have fun.



WildflowerWool said…
My tree is going up this weekend too. We'll be able to swap cat stories :)
Teresa Kasner said…
Hopefully the cats will behave with your tree. Tell them what you expect and get the water pistol loaded. Have fun! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Tired Teacher said…
Decorating the tree is always fun. Ever considered acclimating the cats to the tree by just having it in the room - bare - for a few days. That always worked when I had cats.
Anonymous said…
You'll have to let me know how the tree adventure goes. I'm guessing Fezzik will be the first one up the tree.
Betsy said…
I have never seen a tree stand like that. It would be a very useful tool! Have fun with the decorating adventure.
Araignee said…
Happy tree trimming!
Delighted Hands said…
The tools are always interesting to me, too. But I would pass on this one but it does look just like the one I use for spinning to tend my two bobbins when I ply them together to make yarn! I expect some good tree trimming pictures with kitties!
Stefanie said…
I like the boldness in the West shawl.

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