Extended Family

 This is how I keep the cards for folks to browse through. 
I always made a point of showing my Mom all the cards friends sent (who she knew through me)   I think I'll take the cards to the Nursing Home and show her them. 
She is so totally in the moment that you cannot really GET her anything.  She forgets the moment it is not in her field of vision. 


I frogged the snowflake fair isle hat.  I  didnt' like the way the black and pink were playing.
I'm trying to knit the hat that has been on Pinterest that looks like falling snow.
As there is not a pattern, I'm guessing.
You can't really see it from this image. 
More on this later as I work towards the finish. 

The weekend was fun. 
We watched ELF. I love that movie. 
Phone rings:
Buddy the Elf, What's your favorite color?

How did you sleep Buddy?
"Oh wonderful!  I got a full forty minutes"
Will Farrell is so perfect for the part.  

There was a family party with nieces and nephews and Great Nieces and nephews.
I got to see my Nephew's tree. 
His wife is a doll. 
She GETS me.  I think I GET her. 
I can honestly say we are friends beyond the relative link. 
Such a gift she is in our lives. 
She is very real and in the moment.  
Do you have someone like that in your extended family? 


Katherine said…
I really like what I see of the hat so far! Can't wait to see it finished. I may have to make one of them.

I love it when family members are also friends. Our family all have a wacky sense of humor and it makes fun gatherings. We like to play crazy, funny games and try to outdo each other in finding them. It's so great to look around you and be able to say, "These people are my best friends!"
kathy b said…
I think the trick to the hat is to put plain rows between fair isle rows...
Unknown said…
I love the look of that hat!!!
Caroline said…
ooooo - I'm liking that hat so far! I love the Elf movie and I completely agree, Will Ferrel is perfect. We watched it last weekend and watched Jingle all the Way last night and The Grinch (original). We have to watch them all every year, Christmas with the Kranks is up next. My SIL is my special person in my extended family. I wish we lived closer as she's a true kindred spirit - aren't we lucky??
Tired Teacher said…
Santa Clause (Tim Allen), Elf, Prep & Landing, and Prancer are my favorite Christmas movies.

I wish more people wrote personal notes on their Christmas cards and sent fewer printed letters. Many of the cards and letters are so sanitized that they don't even have signatures on them. My thought is "why bother."
Betsy said…
The hat is great! We're planning to watch Elf this weekend. No time so far but watched The Santa Clause with our granddaughter twice this weekend. She loves it!
Enjoy sharing your cards! xx
Delighted Hands said…
Nice way to display the cards! Very pretty! The hat will be pretty-just give it time.
I like the older Christmas movies and am a sucker for the Hallmark ones!
Araignee said…
This is my first Christmas with Daddio in the state he is in and I have no idea what to get him. Anything I take him gets "borrowed". I can't keep him in shoes and his hats are always gone. It doesn't feel right not to get him anything but it will have to be something I can carry with me like I do his coloring book and markers. Sigh. This is so hard.
Teresa Kasner said…
It's fun to watch you work on fair isle.. I think I need to do something with it.. AFTER the holidays. Sounds like a fun family party.. our older son and his family came by this evening and I so enjoyed having all the kids and grandsons here.

*M*E*R*R*Y* * *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*

((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Stefanie said…
I've forgotten about Elf! Thanks for the reminder. I hope your mum is doing well.
I have never seen this film Elf before. I think I really have to watch it. Besides I think this at will be really cool!
Meredith said…
Time with your Mom is the best gift you can give her, and that is all she needs.

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