Mrs. Claus has some Rules

 The moon was just a little thing hanging over the only barn in town last night. 
I hear Christmas will be a full moon.
Good, that should help Santa and the reindeer with the dark night. 
Mrs. Claus must be so relieved when that sleigh takes off and she can knit for the night...
 Mrs. Claus' newest helper was having a ball with the wrapping that went on yesterday.  There has been some branch knawing....
I think I better spray the tree with bitter apple...
Mrs. Claus' work is never done
Mrs. Claus works hard and has a few rules.
If you don't like what she picked for you, you may return it joyfully for something you love.  Mrs. Claus keeps receipts but she doesn't do the returns. 

Mrs. Claus is working on her carbon footprint. 
No gift tags this year.
Your name is written on the bottom of the gift. 
 Mrs. Claus will not use bows or ribbons either this year. 
 She thought about making her own wrapping paper with brown bags, but she bailed.  That's just too over the rooftop. 

No night knitting for me yesterday.
My friend Jennifer had me for our Holiday dinner.
Her house is a winter wonderland. 

I will do some more hat knitting while we wait with Zach at the surgeons office today. Hoping his x-ray shows improvement and no need for surgery.  

What do you think of Mrs. Claus' rules?



Tired Teacher said…
Mrs. Claus has great rules!

Sending positive vibes for Zach today - hope the Dr. has good news.
Unknown said…
I think Mrs. Claus' rules will work out very well this season!
Betsy said…
Great rules for Mrs. Claus to enforce. Love the photo of your sweet kitty. :-) I miss my kitty helping with my wrapping. He always loved the ribbons the best!
Caffeine Girl said…
Those are very sensible rules and should help you have a great holiday season!
Teresa Kasner said…
I think we all need to draw the lines that work for us.. good for you! Sounds like you're having holiday fun!
*M*E*R*R*Y* * *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Anonymous said…
I think Mrs. Claus is right on!

Hope all goes well for Zach.
Araignee said…
Love the rules especially the no tags rule. I hate wrapping in general. I'm glad The Mister likes it or nothing would get wrapped around here.
Fingers crossed for Zach.
Delighted Hands said…
Wishing the best for Zach. I have very few rules; simple is the best.
It sounds as though it is shaping up to be a good Christmas for Mrs Claus! xx
elns said…
Oh fingers crossed for the Zach! I love the idea of making my own wrapping paper ... for next year. Thanks for the headsup, though the wrapping paper purchased this year will go towards a soccer fundraiser that is for scholarships, so there's that, right?

I would have to send you to the crazy house if you actually returned people's gifts for them if they didn't like it. But I'm with you. I totally support anyone who wants to return a gift.

All the best Kathy. Happy Holly-daze!
Katherine said…
Dear Mrs. Clause, I agree with you on the return rules. I love gift buying but I don't do returns.

We have one very important Santa rule at our house--anyone who buys themselves anything just before Christmas deserves to have two of them (or have to return one).
Judy S. said…
Mrs. Claus rocks! Hope that Zach got good news at the doc today and that you got some knitting done, too! Hugs.
karen said…
mrs claus is quite eco friendly! I recycle so much from last years gift giving. I save all gift bags and boxes and ribbons. I use the stick on tags for names. from the dollar store. Lovely photos, so festive!!
Instead of buying tags, we make our - we cut out the images from the Christmas cards the year before and use them. I have them tucked away in an envelop with all the wrapping paper!
It seems Mrs. Claus is a very pleasant person and really tries to do her best. I always tell my little sister, she has to say clearly what she wants and write her letter in a right way with good wishes for Santa, too)
Meredith said…
I thought about the brown bags as wrapping paper too, but baled just like you. I always recycle gift bags and boxes year to year, really some of mine are so shabby but I keep using them.

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