One of the things that struck me on our tour of Monticello, was the tour guides explanation about Thomas Jefferson's habits. He did not really invent things, she told us, but he took what was known and recreated things from that knowledge. I'm no Thomas Jefferson, but I do take parts of knit patterns that I like and mix them up. Meet my long fingerless glove. I took parts of Susie's Reading Mitts and parts of socks patterns I know well and put them together. If you could see it well enough, you'd see I'm leaving the thumb, beyond the gusset for last. Any tips of making that thumb really great looking? Katherine, you motivated me to make some fingerless. I'd like to give some as Christmas gifts too this year. As much as I love fall, I spent much of yesterday on a blend of things I know : I extrapolated benadryl, pepcid, Allegra, Allway eye drops and some Chardonnay..... to keep the sneezi...