
 One of the things that struck me on our tour of Monticello, was the  tour guides explanation about Thomas Jefferson's habits. 
He did not really invent things, she told us, but he took what was known and recreated things from that knowledge. 

I'm no Thomas Jefferson, but I do take parts of knit patterns that I like and mix them up. 
Meet my long fingerless glove. 

I took parts of Susie's Reading Mitts and parts of socks patterns I know well and put them together. 

If you could see it well enough, you'd see I'm leaving the thumb, beyond the gusset for last.  Any tips of making that thumb really great looking?  

Katherine, you motivated me to make some fingerless.
I'd like to give some as Christmas gifts too this year. 

As much as I love fall, I spent much of yesterday on a blend of things I know :
I extrapolated benadryl, pepcid,  Allegra, Allway eye drops and some Chardonnay.....
to keep the sneezing at bay.   
I am wishing for a hard frost....



Meredith said…
I am just wishing for under 85 degrees, is that asking too much?
Nancy said…
My itchy eyes, sneezing, etc. have all but stopped since the last snow storm. I am a happy camper, but still popping the medication, just in case.

Love the mitts.
Katherine said…
If you pickup the thumb stitches and add a little bit of that lacy stuff from the top of the mitt, your thumb will be beautiful and so feminine!

If I added Chardonnay to Pepsid, Benadryl and Allegra I wouldn't worry about frost or anything else. I would be feeling g-o-o-o-d!!
Mrs. Micawber said…
The allergies are dreadful right now ... but it got down to 36 last night so I'm hoping they'll improve.

"Extrapolating" is a Very Good Word! :)
Unknown said…
I LOVE fingerless mitts! I have several pairs which I wear all fall and winter. If you are doing what Thomas Jefferson was good at doing, you will have wonderfully creative projects. Good thinking skills! I haven't done anything fancy with the thumbs...so no tips.
Araignee said…
Love the mitts. I just dug out all of mine and gave them a wash. Then I needed my old friend Ben. A. Dryl to get me through the rest of the day. Goodness, knit stuff can get dusty over the summer. Ah choo....
Alyssa said…
That describes how I knit, too! I take things I know and mix them up. Nothing wrong with that!

Your gloves look so cozy. I want a pair of fingerless gloves for my office. I feel so cold there all the time!
SissySees said…
Good for you! Love the mitts.

I've combined adult job #1 and #2 for #3... who knew firefighting and well drilling were mixable?!

Tanna said…
I'm exprapolating medication myself! LOL! Came back with a nasty cold from my Little Men. LOL! I like your knitting combo! blessings ~ tanna
Celia said…
I'm sorry you are having allergy problems. Hopefully, relief is in sight.
Suburban prep said…
The mold count has been high in the Chicago area. It is adding to allergies big time. I can not tell you how many times my father sneezed right after lunch today. It seemed like 5-10 minutes straight. He said he did the same thing yesterday but not to the degree as today. I think it was worse because of the rain we received today.
What helps me with awful allergies is the Loratadin (or generic Claritin). I also have taken an Advil Cold and Sinus at times. Also magnesium is a big help too plus a cold glass of water with ice in it will help to deaden the allergies for a bit. These are what has helped me. I am not saying they are foolproof but they do help at times. I would love a frost as well but I also do not want a frost because my tomato plant is finally having tomatoes and they are turning red. I received it free from the Northbrook sidewalk sale in July (in the parking lot of 3 Bags).
I know there are food that add to seasonal allergies but right now I can not think of them off the top of my head.
I do hope that you feel better soon.The days following a rain are usually better because the pollen is less but the mold tends to be high until we have some days that we can dry out. Who knows when that will happen in the Chicago area or the suburbs. I sneezed a few times today as I was going home and because of the construction it took quite a bit of time to get home--Willow Rd quite the pain.--Water is best but also Reed's Ginger Beer found at Trader Joes or Whole Foods (a bit more expensive at Whole Foods).
Again hope that you feel better.

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