Not So Simple Woman's Knit Day

The Stanley Cup was in the "HOUSE" yesterday at work.  There I am in my scrubs touching the CUP.   It certainly is an odd feeling to see a trophy after being a loyal Cub fan my entire life.  Anyhow, Knit Nurse friend Lynn, got me into her group so I could make it to the Nursery on time last night.  THANKS Lynn!!

Around my home: 

I am hearing: Clothes in the dryer and the sweetest sound of all: 
the sound of Fireman vacuuming.

I am reading: THE ART OF PAUSING by Judith Valente. The book was gifted to me on Wednesday.  I pause plenty these days, perhaps I should read the ART of MOVING. 

I am hoping: I hear Karen's owl again sometime soon.

I am thankful for: amazingly hot weather which is extending my porch season this fall. 

I am planning: a big old nap today.  Work was busy last night. 

How is you not so SIMPLE day going?


Katherine said…
What fun to actually touch the Stanley Cup!!

My not so simple day will consist of preparing to have granddaughter stay until Tuesday while her Mom and Dad take a little trip. The fun will consist of this being homecoming weekend and the many events involved with that landmark time! I already feel like we have installed a revolving door. Pray for me!!
Unknown said…
Lucky touch the Cup and have this great photo taken!

I'm snowbound a little simple knitting is on the schedule. I might even cast on a new project!!
Bridget said…
Several years ago, I got to see the Stanley Cup, but no one was allowed to touch it, I'm impressed! It is so cool though to see.

Sounds like you are having a good week. Have a wonderful weekend, and I hope the Pie news continues to be good!
SissySees said…
Oooh! So you and the hubs both got Cup time?! Neato!!

Not so simple... next to last payroll ever for this business. New salon this evening, but same stylist. I *THINK* I know where it is... near where we met Al!

And then, I have to go buy a first birthday gift.
Anonymous said…
Today was a practically perfect day ---- LONG walk with plenty of photo ops, lunch with the daughter of a friend, and then dinner with the daughter's parents.

It's a great day!

That is very cool about the CUP! Maybe someday I'll get to see it for real ------as a Tampa Bay Lightning fan .....may be awhile.
Meredith said…
You make me laugh, when you find The Art of Moving, could you send it my way? I think my butt is getting bigger and bigger everyday. How cool to say you touched The Stanley Cup, that is awesome, even if it was for the Blackhawks,
Hugs to you,
Suburban prep said…
I know my husband would have loved that one.
He loves the Hawks.
They won the Stanley cup on his birthday too. He felt it was a great way to cap his birthday.
Yesterday was a bit warmer than today around her too.
Driving the construction scene now around the North Shore isn't fun always nice to have a knitting book though at stop lights.
Araignee said…
Men are never sexier than when they are vacuuming-except maybe when they are holding a baby.
My not so simple day is almost over. Thank goodness. Tomorrow I will be going home after spending the last few days dog sitting son's giant Golden Retriever at his house in VA. Lonely as it may be, I can't wait to sleep in my own bed again.
Nancy said…
Must be nice to have warm temperatures! I'm envious: eight inches of snow fell today, and my trees are still laden with leaves. I went out this PM and attempted to shake some of the snow off of the lower branches.

I spent the day knitting which was wonderful.
karen said…
I think this photo makes you famous! I would love to hear an owl it's been months since I've heard one :)
Alyssa said…
My day has been quiet, but I'm going apple picking later! :)
LouLou said…
My day consisted of peeling old wallpaper off the upstairs bathroom walls so I can paint them. I won't go into my feelings about wallpaper here. Some things are better left unsaid but I heard the gardener say he was going to vacuum tomorrow too and suddenly my day got a whole lot better! Now if he actually does it.... :-D
Gracie Saylor said…
I just read up on the Stanley Cup in Wikipedia and was fascinated with its history. It is a unique way to honor a winning team, like your Blackhawks, and I like the idea that team supporters like you are able to enjoy the honor by touching the cup as well.
My day got a simply slow start because I got to sleep in later than usual. I hope you got well rested, too, Kathy:)
Judy S. said…
How fun!
Celia said…
How cool! I wonder if the Stanley Cup is making the rounds at the hospitals? We had it here a few months ago. It's bigger than I though.

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