
(Bennison bakery's delight) 

 The Neighborhood is peppered with all things Halloween. 

I won't show you a really ghoulish thing in my neighborhood.  It is right outside my front door actually. 
We had a big thunderstorm yesterday around dinner time. 
Apparently a big old Opossum fell out of our huge Elm tree
and SPLAT a car ran over him....
He's reaching to the heaven's with his pale pink fingerlike paws...
and it isn't pretty .....Just
whose responsibility is it to move him out of the street?
I sure hope it isn't mine because It aint gonna happen folks.
He's way too creepy for me to scoop up even though I know he's a gonner. 
I say its the Village and I know they don't touch roadkill.  He's on a public road...
not my lawn thank GOD!  He is also right at the bus stop. For the kids sake the village should move it.  I think I'll call....
I think I could maybe do it, if I threw a rag over him first...
I'm going to wait and see if some good Opossum Samaritan  comes along...after all it is Sunday...

My current WIP:  Ribbed Cuff
Plain heel and body
and STAR toe. 
I love the star toe.  
It is my new favorite sock trick. 
My images did not turn out, so imagine a swirl of stitches forming the toe of the sock.  
You basically divide your stitches onto four needles. 
While you knit around, you do a decrease K2tog at the end of each needle.   Then you knit a plain row. 
You repeat these two rows 6 times. 
Finish with the decreases each row thereafter. 

I'm so impatient as a knitter. 
I'm all ready to start my new socks in fall colors but I am going to finish this pair first. 


gMarie said…
sorry about the gruesome sight in front of your house. ICK! If left long enough the crows will take care of it.

Love the sock - I usually do a star toe by dividing into 6 sections so the decreases are more like the crown of a hat. g
Nancy said…
The star toe does not fit my foot well, so I decrease just like the gusset and then kitchner the last six stitches.
SissySees said…
Don't know that I've ever tried the star toe. Of course, I'd have to actually knit socks again to try...

Sorry about the icky sight. We had a freshly dead snake in the road on our walk this morning, but by the time we returned from the woods, it was gone.
Meredith said…
Oh that is so gross, I wouldn't want to touch him either, yuck. Love your socks.
Anonymous said…
In my neighborhood, it is usually ME cleaning up the roadkill. It's a yucky job, but someone needs to do it. BLECH!

Your socks look wonderful.
Anonymous said…
Yes you are right call the village and let them know.
My parents had a raccoon die in their yard and we called the village and they took care of it.
Araignee said…
Good golly....we have that problem with deer and it takes forever for the truck to come and get the poor things off the road.'s one of the things I hate about fall. You can't go a block without finding one.

On a happier note....I love the blue socks. That color is gorgeous.
LouLou said…
Here in the middle of no where other wild things take care of it and that can be even more gross! :-O I'll have to give your star toe trick a try. Sounds easy enough.
Unknown said…
Ewww...road kill is never pretty. I hope it gets cleaned up soon. Your neighborhood is certainly looking "spooky."
Judy S. said…
Nice socks! That is an interesting toe. It's the squirrels and raccoons that make up the local roadkill. Ick! Halloween decorations in the Midwest are really something. I always love seeing the beautiful mums too.
Katherine said…
Love the Halloween decorations and the new blue socks are gorgeous. I must try that toe!

Oh poor little road kill! My favorite dead animal picker-upper is a pooper scooper. It works for most anything including what it was meant for. I've used it to pick up stuff from snakes to raccoons. Actually I killed the snake with it before picking it up!
elns said…
Life must be crazy, how have I missed so many great posts!?

I love your sock, and am going to finish my first pair and I will try your fancy toe method next time.

The possum in the street should be cleaned up by the city department of public works I think.

best to you the fireman and the cat kids :)
Celia said…
Opossum pancake... ewwww!!

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