Little Trip to Minnesota!
There was some mighty tasty treats. The Keys Cafe has amazing cinnamon rolls. 4 of us split this one. The icing is magnificent. Have you had one? Yesterday, we went on a Mill City Museum tour of Gold Medal Flour variety. I had no idea that the birthplace of flour was Minnesota. Apparently they dumped the waste into the Mississippi River and the fish grew to grand size proportions. This is how they discovered they could add grains to dog and cat foods. I didn't know flour dust was highly combustible, more so than gun powder. There were some nasty explosions over the years as this became understood. The car ride allowed for much Wrap knitting. :) Fireman drove the most, but I was behind the wheel of the new truck for a few hours each way. We used a fun new useful app called WAZE. It calculates your trip and you interact with it; reporting debris on the highway, po...