Irish Lace

 My Irish Grandmother called cobwebs IRISH LACE

If you found some cobwebs hanging from your living room ceiling, well it was simply Irish lace.  This from the woman who loved to clean the house.  
Fitting that I'm knitting the COBWEB shawl. 

I am in love with Jimmy Fallon…...


Katherine said…
I'm looking forward to seeing your finished cobweb shawl. Jimmy Fallon? I'm not ready to say I like him yet.
Unknown said…
Your Cobweb Shawl is coming right along...can't wait to see it modeled!! I like the story of cobwebs referred to as Irish Lace! I've seen a little "lace" hanging in my house lately.

Jimmy Fallon? I love him too!!I've been watching him for quite a while, but I have not missed a show since he took over the Tonight Show...and I think he's really funny and sincere. Did you see his reaction to Juan Pablo's final ceremony from The Bachelor? LOL!!! I enjoy his "Pros and Cons" and the "thank you notes." All are good entertainment.
Judy S. said…
Love that cobweb story and will remember it next fall when the spiders are in their glory here.
elns said…
Irish lace! That's really cute. Kathy, what is that little leprechaun guy? He looks like an Irish Santa. hehe. I am really happy you found a lace pattern you're into. Can't wait to see the final object. Must know, what made you a Jimmy Fallon fan?
Nancy said…
Lots of Irish lace makers visit my house from time to time. I don't mind the little guys, but the bigger ones freak me out!
Anonymous said…
Not a big fan of Fallon --- but, that's okay. I shouldn't be up that late anyways. ;-)
Araignee said…
I love Fallon too. He's funny without being mean.
I vacuumed a lot of Irish Lace from behind the furniture over at Daddio's today.
I like the sound of your grandma! Dave comes along and sweeps away all my "Irish lace" every couple of months. Then I ask him where the spiders are suppose to live now???
SissySees said…
Your grandmother must have been as warm and wonderful as you are!
Oh good - so all those cobwebs are way up in the corners because I am Irish ... I like that.

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