THis is how we feel in Midwest ..about Winter…..

Kingsford CHarcoal has a fantastic new commercial out.  YOu have to watch it …its perfect.

Hope the link works:

I just had to share this one!


Gracie Saylor said…
That is so perfect, Kathy :) I remember the 30+ winters I lived in the Midwest or East Coast! Hang in there...Spring is working its way to you. I keep trying to post photos of our flowers to give you hope :) xx
Judy S. said…
It's spring now, right? Hopefully that means no more snow in the Midwest!!!!
Araignee said…
Hilarious! That's kind of how I feel right now. In shock. I'm not ready to shed my winter wear and bare anything 70 degrees or not. I'm just not ready. It feels too weird.
Anonymous said…
Flip that opposite and you have Florida. We hunker down inside with the a/c blasting all summer, then sometime around November we venture BACK OUTSIDE and fire up the grill.
Katherine said…
That is really funny because I was making chili a few nights ago, which is something we usually put on the grill with hot dogs or burgers. DH asked if I wanted him to start the grill and I couldn't believe he suggested it for a second. Then I said, "It's 78 degrees outside, why not?" Hooray for Spring!!
Too, funny! I just love this!
Tanna said…
LOL!! Love it! And, THANK YOU FOR THE SODA BREAD RECIPE!!! I am going to make it this afternoon!

I am so ready for the warm days to stay!! LOL! blessings ~ tanna

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