Prayer Shawl for Kathy C

Kathy C is a dear friend.  
She lost her brother tragically recently. 
A few of us knit her this prayer shawl. 
It is knit in ribbed Homespun.
The yarn is a soft as silk and it will be loved for years to come. 
Kathy C. We love you and we know,  Y'all are
doing so well.    We know though that those days that hurt, hurt bad and we wanted you to have this. 

On a lighter note, 
Fireman taught another spin class last night.
After the class someone came up to him and said,  
"I'm so hungry I'm going to go home and eat two egg whites."
That's why I don't do spin class…..


Araignee said…
Beautiful shawl! I have one like it and I love it. It's given me lots of comfort in times of trouble.
As for those egg whites-yuck. It's a waste of a perfectly good egg.
Katherine said…
Of course Fireman told that person to have two whole eggs because it has been in the news this week that eggs, butter and sugar are good for us!!

I will be praying for Kathy C and her family. The shawl is beautiful and such a lovely, warm gift.
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry for your friend's loss. I will keep her and her family in my prayers.

As for the egg whites --- really????I don't think I have EVER craved egg whites unless they were topping a lemon meringue pie. LOL
Tanna said…
So sweet of you and your friends to gift Kathy C this beautiful shawl... I know it will bring her comfort.

Okay... now, this is going to blow the Fireman's mind... but, I was thinking, "WOW, he spins... Kathy has her own supply of handspun!" LOL! THEN the egg whites finally rang the bell! LOL! You know where my mind is. LOL! All about the yarn. LOL! blessings ~ tanna
Judy S. said…
I did a double take just like Tanna, but then I realized the kind of spinning you meant. Kathy C will love her shawl; Homespun is great!
Suburban prep said…
What a lovely gift.
I used to help with the prayer shawls at a church near by. I still make them. gave one to my mother when she was going through the two aortic dissections she had in 2012 and then to my sister who recently had a baby and a bit of complications.

When my mother was in the OR undergoing the second dissection my father had her shawl around him as we waited in the waiting room at Evanston.
Gracie Saylor said…
A lovely gift for a difficult time, Kathy. I pray for comfort for Kathy C, too.

Egg whites...really :) xx
karen said…
how sweet to give your friend a shawl to know she is loved and not alone in her grief. Lovely!
Nancy said…
I remembered you saying Fireman cycled to work, just as the spinning wheel image started to pop into my head, too.

The shawl will surround Kathy C with the love of her friends. She will truly treasure those hugs on the difficult days to come.
Meredith said…
Blessing to Kathy C, she is sure to be cheered up by this beautiful shawl.
elns said…
The shawl is fantastic. Very cool to see your heart knit into something for someone, Kathy. And yes, spin class ... I get queasy just watching it.
What a truly lovely shawl and such a sweet heartfelt thing to give to someone who's heart is hurting. :)

Ok, that Fireman cracks me up. Egg whites...OMGosh! Too, too funny!

Wishing you a most lovely day. :)
SissySees said…
Prayers abound for your friend and her family.

I think I heard that McDonald's is now offering an eggwhite sammie for breakfast.
Celia said…
That's a very precious gift.

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