
Showing posts from March, 2009

Lurker Diane is knitting a Jojoland Swirl Scarf

Arenn't they lovely? Diane, the lurker, mentioned she is knitting this for her daughter. In passing. LIke it was nothing. She is an amazing nurse, dear friend and terrific knitter. Am I late to the party, again, or is this a newer pattern? For some reason VERENA Europe's top knitting mag was on my Walgreen's news/magazine stand today. Funny I like their patterns better than Interweaves lately. Sometimes Interweave is too far from what I'd ever wear to offset the price of the magazine. Lots of lace in the issue I picked up. I'll just stick to my easy lace pattern when I get back to knitting, but I can dream of course. IF you couldn't this week, what would you do????? I'll talk to you in the comments. :)

When there is no knitting there are no knitting pictures

Just Sayin. I'm so ready for baseball. I don't expect anything this season. Grace of posted a picture( on her yesterday's post )of her lace shawl fitting through a wedding ring. I think this is amazing. I can barely fit my finger through my weddding ring. If you don't know Grace and her lace shawls you really are missin out! Her B/P is up this morning so say something funny when you visit. I met Darcy through Grace at and she posted for me too! She has posted an image of a man spinning angora right off a bunny's back. I have such thick hair you could probably spin half my hair off and no one would notice. Then I could make a hair shawl and fit it through a hoola hoop. I told Al this morning that Graces B/P is up. Fireman said, "who's Grace?" we both looked at him from the computer screen and he said, "Oh your pretend friend." I don't think pretend friends post pict...

Still stuck on rabbits

Odds are I won't even get a rabbit, but I cannot stop looking at them. These 3 are so cuddly looking. I think it is comfort therapy as knitting is still forbidden. I read a book the other night because I couldn't knit. It wasn't at all the same. It was book about a knitter and I swear to God, in the end she gets tendonitis and has to quit knitting. I had no idea this was the ending. There was a fascinating part in the book where the author says she learns that Shetland Lace is spun so fine, you can take their shawls and slide them through a wedding ring. I immediately thought of Grace from LovinComfortKNits. Grace, cmon, give us a post where you pull your gorgeous lace scarf through a wedding ring. I KNOW YOU CAN. (Oh BTW, Irish eyes Lynn loved her comments on the Central Park sweater. She is having trouble with posting comments but she says THANKS! for the comments from you all!) I'll talk to you in the comments. :)

The Millenium

With the new beginning, per Blogger count, I am looking ahead! In this the thousandth post, I will share my long term goal with you. I want to raise an angora bunny. The German Kind that you shear. I don't want Fireman to worry, it will take me 4 or 5 years to research this in order to bring it about. We have a saying around our house, "We have too many things that poop right now." 3 cats and one dog equals lots of clean up all the time. In the future, however, I do think I'd like an outside angora or two. If they need a companion to be happiest, I will definitely have two. The mascot on the new Blog heading is so cute. I googled Angora rabbit images and there it was....... I do love angora. I wish I had a little farm. This would be enough farm for me. A rabbit or two, just to look cute and give me some wool. It is a good thing I have spinny friends. That's my long term goal. On to the next 1000 posts! See you in the comments. ("be very very ...

What should we do now?

Happy Spring. Lest you think my part of the world is covered in beauty, it is not. This is the only flower sighting with a mile of my home. I'm impatient at best, for the green up to start. Midday and its 37 degrees out. Oh well, I can wear my dream in color hat a bit more. That is one bright side. I am impatent as well for the week to be over. My dear mom told me not to knit a week ago. I had a steroid injection on the 10th and the instructions were to let it rest as much as humanly possible for 3 weeks. I am off from work for a good stretch coincidentally at this time, so it is arm's best chance to heal. That is one for the bright side. Al and Fireman will attest to the fact that I am asking, "what should we do NOW?" about a hundred times a day. I've been going to bed at 830 pm. Oh yes, I get up at the regular time. Al left me a list of things to try when I cannot knit today and I am home. They included learning how to fold a fitted sheet. I did...

Irish Eyes Lynn's Central Park without Hoodie

This baby deserved her own post. Lynn sent me this image of her Gorgeous Finished Perfect FIt Central Park With her own lovely collar. Lynn's masterpiece was knit in Beaverslide Dry Goods Worsted Weight in yes, Huckleberry heather. It really is so pretty Lynn. You have until my Birthday to make one for me. Same colors please......... I'll talk to you in the comments. :)

A Limerick for You

There once was a lassie who balked at stopping her knitting for naught, and her dog was so smart he mastered the art of walking himself round the block. I'll talk to you in the comments. :)

Irish Lace

I'm lace knitting. I am knitting lace. What are you knitting Kathy? Oh A lace scarf. Lace I may knit this scarf pattern only for all my gifts this Christmas. This would eliminate learning another pattern and yet, continuing to knit lace. I am such a cheater. Thank you one and all for the encouragement and tips. I'm the real winner here. Do you know what Irish Lace is? My Grandma, my Irish Grandma, My Nana from County Mayo God Help Us, called cobwebs in the house IRISH LACE. as in "Oh there's a little Irish lace in the corner there" and she'd grin as she dusted it away, ' She called St. Patricks Day Patricks Day, with the emphasis on DAY. She never wore green. People would ask her why, and she would say : I don't need to wear green, I've the map of Ireland all over my face. Have you an Irish friend who uses such delightful language? My Nana came to the US at 22 years of age. She never lost her brogue..... I'll talk to you in the comments. :)

PreBeaded Yarns....Delish

Now that's a luxury yarn. Someone already put the beads in just the right spots for you. No wonder it is pricey. That's a whole lot of mac'n cheese dinners. Or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Fireman doesn't know that my launch into lace means he'll learn to block. What Fireman doesn't know usually hurts him. Grace's Tom does all her blocking. I've had to use a lifeline and glad I was, that it was there. I do have this intense concentration when I work from the chart. It is a bit like dog agility was for me. Makes my brain tired in a very good way. I hear I'm snoring more since I started the Lace scarf........ What makes you snore more? . I'll talk to you in the comments. :)

And the winner is......

Brownbear on Ravelry is the winner of my 1000th post giveaway! Please see me over on Ravelry Brownbear. (I am Huckmom) Because I randomly drew her number she wins the purple package. This is where everyone else goes, "Shoot". Sorry to the rest of you. Nothing like a yarn prize. The collective lace comments were truly helpful. This does not mean I got it right initially. I think I began the scarf, I am not kidding, at least one hundred times. It became kind of funny after awhile. I asked Al several times to just do the first pattern rows, because then I could see it and wouldn't screw it up so fast. She was very calm and said no. She then recited things her nursing instructor says to them: (modified for knitting of course) I am good at this knitting I like lace knititng. I am ready to do lace knitting Why did I persist? *Lace is light and my arm can handle it right now *I bought the little row counter for the needle and I LOVE using it. *I kept looking at ...

This and That

Irisheyes Lynn has her Central Park Hoodie in the blocking mode. I cannot wait to see it and post it on the blog. Have any of you been following Quiet Life 's Donna Boucher? She is very funny with her new videos. She speaks just as I imagined. Local news: April 18th brings us a KNIT OUT at Northbrook Court, in Northbrook Illinois. Lynnette at 3 Bags told me about this event. Locals yarn shops, 5 or 6 of them, will have small displays of their yarn for sale at the event. Northbook Court's charity is Habitat for Humanity. They are asking knitters to knit a square for charity blankets. You can knit the square while you are there, listening to Amy Singer. She will be there signing her book. There will be a chemo cap knit booth as well. They are looking for Volunteers to teach in the Learn to Knit booth. If you'd like to help call one of the participating shops: Prarie Arts and Fibers 3 Bags Full Magic Needle Studio Beads There will also be a fastest knitter and fastest ...

Why hasn't anyone warned me about this lace loophole?

I'll talk to you in the comments. :) Maybe You all don't know me well enough. I need very straight forward instructions. I picked a Lacy Scarf designed by Rebecca. I picked it because only the middle 11 stitches of the scarf change to form the lace. I thought I was so smart! The pattern says Germany on the bottom. Those 11 stitches are a slippery slope Al had to leave for awhile and told me "OH, your Yo's are differnt when the pattern is written from Europe." WHAT? and then she said, "I am going to have to write this out for you.... but keep on trying!" Surrounded by purls, the pattern calls for a YO, then a slip 1 knitwise, k2tog, pass slipped st. over The another YO followed by purls. Help someone Help. Im just trying to knit these 11 stitches and Im soooo very confused......

The prizes to tempt you.....for the contest

Something is drawing me to purple. IF you are the winner of the 1000th contest post, when winner is announced on 3/13, Friday the 13th that is, you will win purple prizes. Lynette at 3 Bags Full, generously donated the purple felted needlecase. Thanks Lynnette! Good luck to all. (If you are one of the nice delurking men who left a comment, you will get a different prize if you wish!) I'll talk to you in the comments. :)

Be Careful what you wish for....

I don't want to say that the Skydive Scarf pattern was too easy. I wanted to start out very easy. But, I don't think I can stay interested in it long enough to make the scarf. So in an effort to be careful what I wish for I won't say I wish for a harder pattern! It was a great introduction to the use of the markers. I realize I want a row counter that goes onto the needles. I didn't realize you need the row counter to match the size of the needles. The store I went to yesterday was out of size 8's. I took this a s a sign. I take alot of things a signs...... Perhaps my interest in lace isn't a sign of anything at all, OH! But what if it is a sign of EVERYTHING. No wonder I need my naps! I slept in so late this morning and thought it must be a sign of my needing more sleep. It wasn't. I'd just forgotten we set the clocks ahead last night! So on the subject of signs and wishes...... My father really wanted a singing canary recently. It took h...

The nearly Thousandth post Contest

(just another baby legging in the image. Using my socks yarns a little differently) I think that blogger may not have correctly counted all the posts I've written. I've been posting since 2004 so I guess it is possible. I'm not going to go back and count them all. It says this is post 987. So we'll go with it. Im having a little contest for the milestone, but I have had writer's block since I decided on the 1000th post contest. So to take the pressure off, we are just going to do this now. :) I get crazy with pressure around events of all kinds. I just do. To enter: Please please please only leave a comment about this post on this post. Im much too flakey to search around differnt posts, afterall there are nearly a thousand (did I mention that number already? sorry....) Leave a comment telling me anything about Lace. If you dn't know anything about Lace, ask someone and share their knowledge. Do tell us who gave you this lace advice, to make it f...

More Tea Cosies.

The only tea cozy I've ever made I made for Grace at LovinComfotKnits. I felted one. Grace was the one who decided to do a swap with me the last time I tried to run a swap. Now Grace is a great tea cozy knitter. Today's two teapot knits were found on the Web. I did write the links down and they are on a piece of paper somewhere. My favorite tea is Tazo Passion Tea. Speaking of Swaps, A few of you have let me know you'd like to try the 20 dollar include your receipts swap. Anyone else out there? More details to come. Basically you can only spend 20 dollars and you have to prove you didnt spend anymore than this amount. Shipping not included. It will be called the Frugal Hungarian Swap. Unless you would like to suggest another great name! Please, feel free I'll talk to you in the comments. :)

Limerick time

I'll talk to you in the comments. :) There once was a half irish knitter she blogged but she didn't twitter she knit so darn slow she had nothing to show and the things that she knit didn't fit her!

The Log Cabin

It is a good thing no one needs the Log Cabin for winter survival. The logs are getting bigger and longer and heavier. It takes time time time to show any progress. I do believe it will be a favorite of mine when it is finished. I work on it for short periods because I cannot stay with one needle size too long. This is the ying and the yang of blanket/afgan knitting. Lots of time to invest before you are rewarded, yet the reward will be wonderful. I guess I'll have to back it. It isn't really reversible. So that's the knitting image for today. Here are my thoughts on the upcoming 1000th post: *I'm sure I am overthinking it. *I want to give a wonderful prize *This means a fun contest *What kind of prize do you like the most? Yarn? Notions? Knitting Bags? *There is only going to be one prize winner. *I am wondering about a swap? It would be a 20$$ swap. You would have to send your swapper all the receipts and prove you didnt' over spend. *The swap and the...