Since last we met....

I cannot stop with this logcabin blanket. It is all I want to knit. The last time I showed it to you, I believe it was in the hands of our brave heroes. I believe I was on the first block of black. Since then the blanket has been to an outing. I went to the Rockies game in Chicago this week. The folks in their season ticket seats were so nice about my knitting. The first drunk man said, "are you expecting?" to me The second drunk man said, "man I oughta learn to do that instead of stuffing my face" and the third drunk man said, "My fiance can't sit still, like you. She comes to all my hockey games and knits. I believe all were compliments. I was wearing my NY yankee pink hat at the Major League game. Needless to say, nothing else is getting knitted around here, save for the quick crochet finish on Mr. Coopers coat. My Minnesota transplanted sis won't get the vest until fall I am afraid. Not only have I deserted her gift due to the log cabin obse...