Storms and Radar.......Both good blues

Kim, has been helping me learn to post better. I hope I have been successful this time. Hang in there please, if not. The last time I tried this, a scrabble of confusing marks and scary runtogethers was all that came out. So, I try try again.

There is yarn in the Radar image. I hope to cast on the last front of my sister's vest tonight. I learned this: I don't like to knit if I don't like the yarn. It is hard to knit it for her lovingly when all I can think is WHY did she pick this?
I think she picked it because it reminds us both subliminally of our mom's family room sofa in the 70s.

The storm clouds were just plain fun the other night. I have a great view now from the backporch and it allows for just such viewing. Bluetoned greys are one of my favorite colors. If I dyed yarn, (please God don't let me start doing that too, DH would leave me) I would name bluetoned grey yarn that I made: Weatherwatch....

Finally Radar slept in that very position for hours after the shot was taken. He is such a poser. I think he was a nude model in his past life as a human. Every pose he strikes is camera worthy. He has always been this way.....does your pet pose?


Anonymous said…
I am pretty sure mine practice in the mirror to to achieve maximum cuteness.
Jennifer said…
Wow - that almost looks like a ginormous funnel cloud. Almost. Just need a little more Hollywood special FX and voila! Twister. I'm so glad it wasn't. I'd have worried it was your last post.
Bianca said…
I don't have pets. Our boys have asthma. Amazing photo of the thunder cloud... I always have respect for thunder.
Ling said…
I have no pets but my kids love posing for the camera!

Amazing picture of the storm clouds!
Hege said…
My greyhound poses, she gives you the seductive look all the time. :) Amazing picture of the clouds!
Hege said…
Re the camisole, I got a kit from You do have to have the book, but it may be available from libraries. You may want to wait until you see me wearing it, maybe you won't like it as much when you see it on me :)
Bianca said…
I'll make it easy for you - my real name is Bianca. So if you link using my real name, it is ok.

Breien is the dutch word for knitting, and Lansingerland is the town I live in, in The Netherlands - Lansingerland is merged out of 3 smaller towns since Jan 1st of this year.

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