Just practicing again......I'm happy ...

I'm practicing. I'm practicing. Practice makes perfect. Practice makes Kim from link may stay sane. Karen of link has tried to help me with this in the past as well. We knitbloggers are a sweet and helpful group. I bet we are the sweetest bloggers out there in the blogosphere.

I plan to watch the shuttle and the station tonight around 950 Chicago time in the clear sky. Since I don't fly, I find it astounding that there are PEOPLE in those little lights so far up. Other lights not so far up, of the firefly kind, are amusing me these days. Cidada's dare I say, are getting softer.....


Kim said…
We don't see fireflies out in the West. I think they can't make it over the Rockies. But in my youth, in NJ, I remember them on summer nights. My DH remembers them from his grandmother's in IL, but in LA where he lived then, they sprayed for mosquitoes so no fireflies there either!
Karen said…
HURRAY!!!! You did it!! I knew you could. You'll be a link pro in no time. I'm sorry I couldn't help you better (I'm not the best at teaching, I'm too wordy and long-winded and end up being confusing . . . if we could have sat next to each other in person I could have shown you though). But I'm so glad Kim was able to explain it really well. :)
Beverly said…
Yay-ay-ay! I knew you could do it. Practice, practice, practice.

We don't call them firelies, they're lightning bugs. One of my sister-in-laws calls then lighter gators.
Anonymous said…
WooHOO! Look at you linking just like a pro!

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