Al's Cape panel from Not Just Socks for kids

The yarn Al is using is Lana Grossa Melienweit Meeting.
The cape is a series of panels that are knit independently and worked together at the end. She has a favorite cousin for whom this is being knit.

I haven't been able to finish my sister's vest afterall. Seems Al had translated the pattern for me once, and the left front side of the vest paper got accidentally tossed out. It was written on the back of a school paper in an effort to recycle. Well it got recycled too soon as Al cleared out her end of the year papers and didn't see her knit instructions for me on the other side....
She is very busy these days and doesn't have time to rewrite it for me.....
She told me to just reverse the other sides' instructions....
I still cannot do it.
She assures me I can.
Al does not know her right from her left. This intelligent woman would be crying like a baby in a maze if her only instructions were someone calling out left and right. I know some very intelligent people who also have this difficulty.

While I know my left from my right, I simply can't reverse right into left in the instructions......Do I put the instructions in a mirror and stand on my head? Do I ask irisheyes Lynn to figure it out for me? Do I go back to LYS and since I bought the yarn there, ask another employee to do the last page over for me backwards?????
I'd like to get it DONE.

So although I promised I wouldn't knit anything else until the vest was complete, and some of you praised me for this, I failed. I've casted on such a fun project that has been in my wishknits for a good while. I can't wait to show it to you.

Ling is a loyal commentor to this blog. Hers blog is MusingandDoing.
She is in her last trimester and wrote a post today that was so sweet and sleepy. She needs some encouraging words. She has a list a mile long of things she has to complete before the baby comes. (no time to KNIT:(.....
Won't you send her some encouragement and maybe a timesaving tip? I told her to go paper plates until from now until the relatives arrive to help after the baby comes. Thanks in advance. This woman deserves a party, but some comments will have to do!
Babies need blood all the time. Won't you donate some blood today?


Anonymous said…
A knit cape sounds like an interesting project - I hope she'll show it off when it's finished.
Karen said…
The cape is very pretty draped over your flowers of such similar color. Can't wait to see your new project (I have the worst trouble being monogamous to my knitting).
Ling said…
Hi Kathy
Don't worry - I'm just having a good old moan about no time and energy. I'm taking it easy - I promise! (especially after all your super advice)

Can't wait to see the finished cape.

My only tip about reversing knit instructions for left and right fronts - is to remember which side is the neck edge and which side needs armhole shaping. You may be 1 row out if the shaping is done only on RS rows. (If this make any sense!)
Irisheyes Lynn said…

Bring the instructions to work on Friday and we'll figure it out!

Hi, Al! Love the cape!

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