Jen W. is having a contest, it is easy....enter it

Jen W. from is having a name her quilt contest. There is a lovely fairey on the quilt which she is entering in a quilt show. You need to name the fairey. I've already named her and I am sure I'll win, but let's just support her anyhew ok? So far only two of us have entered.. She is giving away a great little knit bag that she made. So hurry over my creative knit pals....I want to know the winner at the very least....
Jen W. can sew! and Knit! and collect buffalos.......

I have to go now before someone drops a house on me! We are expected wild weather this afternoon.and remember

Babies need blood all the time. Won't you donate some blood today?


Anonymous said…
I won't today, but only because I am not eligible until next Tuesday. The Blood Mobile comes to town on just the right days.
Anonymous said…
Do you have any ideas of what to knit for my estate agent wife's birthday?.. i want make his colleagues jealous!
monica said…
I wish I could still donate blood. I used to all the time but they won't take it anymore due tothe coumadin :(
kathy b said…
Dear Anonymous,

What is your skill level? Sure we can make great suggestions. For any skill level. Impressive is my specialty, without complication! I'll post your question soon so look for readers answers. What is your budget? How old is the recipient?
kathy b said…
Emily you are great to donate! why am I not surprised????

Monica. You doll. You take care of yourself on coumadin and all. convince someone else to go and give. :) It is very hard to recruit new donors.

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