Simple Woman's Day......

What you are about to read is factual not fictional... and names have been changed to protect the innocent.... * Outside my window..... Beatles is halfway in and halfway out the window. It is windy and nearly 60 degrees out. I Am thinking.. about how much I would prefer to take a nap over going to my late uncle's wake this afternoon. I know I am awful...but it is the truth.... I am thankful for fun knit friends who gather at Granpa's Place . These women are some of the most grounded people I know. In the kitchen I hear Rosalyn heaving. She threw up into my shoe....thanks Rozzy....Cat vomit comes and goes around here.....more coming than going of late. I am wearing jeans and a cotton sweater before I change for the wake. I am going to cast on a new shawl tonight. I haven't decided which one yet, but I am finishing my fourth pair of socks of 2012, and want to switch to a shawl. I am reading the cyberpage of Nobleknits on Karen's recommendation. I...