Happy Valentines Day 2012

May your frogging be less
and your knitting be more
and may nothing but
Skeins of yarn come through your door.

May your friends be all grateful
and your hand knits worn out
and may aches never find you
like soreness and gout.

May your chair be a good one
and you knit in good light
and may you have time for your
knitting each night.

May your real friends be quiet
when you need to count
and your blog friends
leave comments for you to surmount.

May your yarns be on sale
and your pockets be deep
and may patterns you purchase
not cause you to weep.

May Koigu and Noro and Trekking
and may all your sock knitting
be in the round.

Happy Valentines Day!


Nancy said…
I LOVE this blessing! Did you write it?
SissySees said…
VERY cute blessing. Happy V-day to you and yours!
Anonymous said…
Awwww...what a sweet poem. Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

Those tulips are a beautiful color.
KSD said…
Thank you! And returned to you a dozen times.
kathy b said…
Of course I wrote the little ditty!
kathy b said…
Of course I wrote the little ditty!
Grace said…
Very very nice, thank you so much
Meredith said…
I absolutely love this. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your family.
Katherine said…
I love it!! Thank you for making me smile today. Hope your Valentine's Day is a special one. Love and hugs!!
Lynneb said…
I donated, kathyb! happy valentines day!
Beverly said…
Love it! Back at cha!
Laura said…
I wish you the same.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Karen said…
Awww, what an adorable poem!!! Happy Valentine's Day to you - from me and from your god-kitten!! >^..^<
SusanB-knits said…
Thank you! lovely blessing and lovely tulips!!
You made me smile today.
Allison said…
Great poem! Hope you had a lovely Valentine's day :)
Anonymous said…
Some where you have to work in a line about having only enabler friends/family? :)Helen

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