What do you look forward to?

Radar looks forward to a bit of butter every night. Just a dab. He comes to the table and reminds me that he deserves a bit of buttah....
I think this started after Huck died. I loved to give Huck treats. I think we all need things to look forward to; I know I do. I realize this defeats the living in the present frame of mind we are supposed to strive for these days. Anyhow, I cannot resist his obvious request each night..

I am looking forward to casting on the second Simply Ginny Cabled sock. I hope to get to it today. I have to admit that I couldn't use this yarn (Paton's Kroy), without the new needles I splurged on. My new Signature needles have a great point that keeps yarn from splitting. I am not 100% certain that I prefer them to wooden needles. I wish they GAVE a bit. They don't give.
Since I have not been known to bend metals, yet, I'm looking forward to a wooden needle with just as sharp a tip. Do you know of one???

Other things I'm looking forward to:
*reading your blogs

*eating a Pretzel bagel from Einstein Bagels this afternoon
(yes I need more salt in my bread....apparently we are getting too much salt
in our breads these days, but I'm throwing caution to the wind with this one)

*talking to my kids today

*sending out Valentines...

*photographing Al's cat Helo who is visiting, today



SissySees said…
Love that yarn. So pretty.

I'm looking forward to dinner with a friend, a snuggle with my dogs while I explain to Sissy that it's raining and Mama doesn't walk in the rain when it's so cold...
Anonymous said…
Everyone needs a little something to look forward to at the end of the day. Mine is tea.

Radar looks like he REALLY is look forward to his dab of butter.
Celia said…
My poor double-points are very bent. I was thinking about getting the stainless steal Addis, but I don't know how it will go with the fact they don't bend.
Nancy said…
Who could resist that precious face?

Love the sock yarn - subtle and sock.
Lynneb said…
cheese popcorn dinner and a movie tonight!
Katherine said…
Short term I'm looking forward to the weekend. Long term I'm looking forward to April for the 15th and the weather!

What a sweet kitty face that is. He deserves two slurps of butter.

I love the cabled sock!!
Lynn said…
Radar is ADORABLE!!!! And how can you resist that face for a bit of butter?!?!? Everything in moderation, even butter!!
Meredith said…
Wow 1600 posts! You are amazing. I laughed at the fibers getting in your eyes and nose, that happens to me all the time I am constantly itching while knitting or crocheting. My Max loves his peanut butter and begs for it all the time.
Have a wonderful day,
Dorothy said…
I've never had a pretzel bagel. I'm a big fan of salt bagels - hard to come by in New England, so they're a treat when I visit my parents. At Christmas, I had a turkey sandwich on a pretzel roll. SO GOOD! I have to figure out where to get these rolls or learn how to make them!

Your kitties are adorable!

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