Hat Finish For ME!

I blended these two sock yarns and made myself a new hat. 
It goes perfectly with my new winter jacket. 
I have been very careful about buying a new winter jacket. 
I wanted to wait for the clearance sales. 
I ended up looking at Eddie Bauer, L L Bean and the over the top expensive North Face. 
30% off plus 30 dollars off was the winning jacket at Eddie Bauer.
It is the lightest green color similar to the tonal green in the photo above. 
They call it their sweater.  
It is so light it doesn't feel like you have a jacket on.
I love it. 
It is reversible and machine washable. 
I hope it lasts me a good long time.

So now I have a hand knit hat that is a great companion to the jacket. 
I cast on about 110 stitches using both yarns. (on size 3 needles) 
Ribbed an inch or so.  (went up to a size 5 needle) 
Knit the body and did a square top to a round hat finish.  

We have so many cardinals in our yard this March. 
There are females and males and they all are in a flock. 
I hope they nest in the evergreens next to the house per usual. 
I tried putting out dried mealworms yesterday as I Couldn't find the safflower mix at the pet shop.  
I hope they like the change up! 

Going out for a walk now without a jacket
It is crazy warm for us this week. 
Its already in the 60s. 
Oh we may just get a real Spring!!!

What are you knitting?


Vera said…
Love your hat! And I bet that jacket is great. Fabulous color!! It is in the 70's here today and supposed to hit 79 by Thursday! I hope the temps don't drop too much after that, but I also hope it doesn't get crazy hot fast. I'm knitting the second in a pair of plain sox. I have a tank-top style sweater on the needles that I started last summer and a lace shawl. I need to get busy!!
Lucky you! A flock of Cardinals is a real treat. It's one of my favorite birds. They are so pretty. Love your hat! Way to warm for knit hats here today and all week as well. And I'm knitting a poncho! LOL
Donna Boucher said…
Porch days ahead!!!!
Judy S. said…
Nice work on the hat! It looks like you have a lot of yarn left, too; maybe enough for mittens or mitts to match? Wish we had cardinals here. We seem to specialize in little brown birds although our state bird is bright yellow and has never been seen in our yard.
Janet said…
Love your hat and the pretty colors. It's warm and breezy here. I sat on the deck this morning watching the robins and a red-bellied woodpecker. Still knitting socks.
elns said…
The Cardinal is lighter than I expected! Cute are they nicer than Blue Jays? I thought both are rather aggressive birds.

Love that you put the two yarns together for the hat, but US3 for a hat? EEgads. You are a patient thing. hehe. It's very pretty. I love that it's for a cold weather outfit!

Enjoy the sunshine Kathy!
Stefanie said…
My knitting has gone down the drain actually. I need to blog about that. The cardinal is awesome. I wish we had eye candy birds in our neck of the woods. The combination of these two sock yarns are a great match. Pls take a pic of you in your new jacket and this hat!
Betsy said…
Love your hat. The colors are very pretty together. We have had much warmer weather for the past week. Although the sun is shining today, it's in the low 40s and feels much colder than that. I'm very ready for spring.
Blessings, Betsy
Teresa Kasner said…
Well.. you need to model your jacket and hat so we can see how they go together. AND.. I'm so jealous that you have Cardinals and we don't. Why is that? ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Your hat is lovely!! I really like the colour made from the two yarns! xx
Beautiful hat! Great use of leftovers.
We have lots of cardinals and I see them all year round. In fact, if the feeder is empty, Mr. Cardinal comes down from the tree, sits on the fence and yells at my back door.
Caffeine Girl said…
Ok, so it's in the 50s here, but I'm pretty happy about that.
The hat is just beautiful. You put so much thought into buying a new coat. I just wait for clearance sales and grab the best thing I find. I'm not a very good shopper!
Anonymous said…
Your hat is a pretty color for sure.

I WAS knitting on my sock, but about 20 rows from the heel, I saw that I had messed up the pattern about 20 rows BACK! FROG!!!!!

Starting over in a few minutes.
Araignee said…
Sweet hat!!!
It's been 70 here all day and I can just feel the hot summer approaching. Winters too cold, summers too hot but maybe, just maybe we will get a real spring. I wish it would stay just like this for at least a month.
Knitting you ask....what's that? Actually, I have not picked up the needles in so long I'm afraid of what I'll find in the project bags.
Katherine said…
We are in the 70s and having tons of birdies. I wish you a tree full of Cardinals!!

I'm knitting a poncho and a pair of socks right now, but work is so intense that I find myself dozing off during the knitting. I love the color of your hat and I'm imagining a jacket to match--good selection.
Tired Teacher said…
Aren't you clever to use two sock yarns for your hat. It looks fabulous!

Three knitting projects in the works - a shawl, socks, and bandages.

Other than photos, ive never seen a Cardinal.
Delighted Hands said…
What a great combination of yarns! Love the signs of Spring!
Meredith said…
Of course it is crazy warm you just bought a new winter jacket.

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