
So while visiting my sister in Minnesota, we revisited Darn knit anyway s yarn shop in Stillwater.   We were there years ago and it is as great a shop now as it was then

They have a new knit along promotion .   You can find them with details in their ravelry group.  To start you get their great new bag and the first patch when you knit the first project.  The first project is 4 quince and company colors of yarn , making three warm and wonderful color work hats.

Our shop helper was trying to explain the Color Prominence concept.  I will have to research this a bit before I can explain it to you.  The basic idea is that you want one color to pop and that is the dominant one.

We enjoy my sister, the veterinarians dogs. She has a impeccably trained German Shepard and a silly and headstrong Gordon setter.  Both are agility trained and titled.
Minnesota is quite cold but not much snow right now.

We watched philaMina yesterday and loved the story .  

Knitting away on my shrug when time permits

Back soon with many more pictures

Stay warm!


Teresa Kasner said…
I enjoyed Philamina but it was also very sad. I'm kind of low energy this week and am reading a LOT. I also need to put the book down and crochet on that little girl hat. Enjoy your knitting. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Betsy said…
The yarn shop sounds wonderful. How fun to visit with your sister. Her dogs sound like they're a joy to be around. I have met very few dogs that I haven't loved. Including Teresa's who commented above me. Her little dog buddy is the sweetest thing. He likes to sit on my lap and cuddle when I visit. Have a lovely day my friend.
Blessings, Betsy
KSD said…
Good knitting ideas are among the Best Ideas.
Stefanie said…
Color dominance I always forget but it's how you carry the yarn in its floats either on top or on the bottom. How fun to revisit a yarn shop. Its name is cute. My husband is hankering for a German Shepherd. I told him while I love big dogs, our small house can't accommodate it. One of my besties bought one that was shipped all the way from Russia. You can imagine how much that cost. Their property has outdoor fencing so they want the perimeter guarded.
Unknown said…
It's so fun to visit a yarn shop in another area.
Caffeine Girl said…
Don't tell me you drove by Madison ... bad girl!

What a great store! I just emailed and asked if they'd mail me the February project. I just love that hat.
Anonymous said…
Have a wonderful visit with your sister! :-)

Araignee said…
Have a lovely visit and stay warm!
Delighted Hands said…
visit well...if it includes yarn and all family, it's all good!
elns said…
Sounds like a good time in Minnesota. Keep up the fun and the happy!
Judy S. said…
Brave you to go to MN in the dead of winter! I love Darn Knit Anyway, too, and try to go there whenever I visit my sister but haven't been there for a while. Hope you had a good trip. We've been in AZ visiting my sister who's escaped from MPLS for 6 weeks. And boy am I behind of blog-reading!

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