An Imperfectionist

 Whoa.  No one expected the benches to clear in the Pirate Cub series.   We all expect such things at Cardinal Cub games however. 
Hooray Cubs!  We are in the Play offs.!!!!  Now we have to beat the Cardinals.  
While In Door County I asked a man who was tending to a garden if he knit his hat.  He said, no, but his wife did. 
I can see it is a top down hat and I haven't made one this way in a long time.

If you look closely you may see a tiny imperfection in the brim, but I'm not one to criticize. 
He has obviously worn this hat well and warmly.

Zach asked for a new hat.  His has a little imperfection in the ribbing, but I was not about to start over.  I told him to be sure to wear that part in the back.  
So here he is wearing it in the front. 
I hope he wears it well and warmly. 


Kim in Oregon said…
Hooray for the cubs. Sadly I am a native St. Louisan. I guess we can't be pretend friends until after those games are over.
Teresa Kasner said…
Guys don't care about imperfections in brims.. as long as it keeps their noggin warm. I'm happy your team is winning.. I hope they go all the way. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Tired Teacher said…
Way to go, Cubs! I rarely follow sports, so without your posts, I wouldn't have a clue who was in the playoffs.
Unknown said…
Ha. Love your stories on the hats. It's crazy how the mistakes make their way to the FRONT!!!

Hey, the Cubs are doing well...good for them...!!! They are long overdue for the big win!
Katherine said…
I hate to admit it but I was so thrilled by the Cubs I cried. Some things are worth crying over!!

That's not an imperfection on Zach's hat, it is a carefully planned design element.
Judy S. said…
You must be really excited! Were you there? Good looking hats, both of 'em.
Araignee said…
Woo hoo Cubs!
What a sweet man to wear that hat. I knit, knit, knit for guys and they never wear anything I make even when they ask for it.
karen said…
maybe he stretched his hat too much....I love how you analyzed the hat. I always knit brim to top as well as cuff down socks, I'm so old school....
Meredith said…
I love that he is wearing it with pride with the imperfection in front. Joe is a genius isn't he? Amazing manager, go CUBS!
kathy b said…
Yes!! We are pretend friends again. I was so AFRAID of St. Louis. So very afraid. I cannot believe we won.

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