Book Reviews by Me! Here Goes

Above photo has nothing to do with the books.  Just wanted to show you my neighbors trumpet vine which is literally holding up their fence.  Here little hummingbird, here here....

I read 4 books on Vacation and here are my thoughts, or reviews if you will.

Hyperbole and a Half by Alli Brosh was very funny.  I read it in one sitting on the beach. The dog chapters were absolute perfection.  I've not read a comic book in a long time.  Her book is a mix of comic book and poorly drawn pictures which make you laugh...
a lot. 
I think she has successfully climbed inside a dog's brain and translated it for humans.  

Foal Play by Katherine O'Sullivan is the first in the Colleen McCabe series.  This book sent to me by CHANNON was the perfect read for the Outer Banks.  It is set in the Outer Banks. 
The murder mystery is amusing and pure fun.  There is little to no graphic detail of a murder.  It is silly and it was the perfect book to take to on our trip.  It was also set during the week of the 4th of July a word: perfect. 

Crones Don't Whine was a thought provoking little read that I found on the shelves of the cottage.  I want to be a Crone like the author Bolen.  My favorite quote is this:

"Once you retire boundary keeping is an absolute necessity"

She is very very right on this one.  I've been working on boundaries all year. In fact I think it was my 2015 resolution.  


Deep Dark Down by Hector Tobar is fantastic.  Get your hands on this book.  It does more than tell the story of the 33 Chilean minors who were trapped below the Earth for many many days. It is a beautifully written book.  It is thought provoking and fascinating. 

There you go-----my vacation beach reads.  What are you reading?


Araignee said…
In love with the boundary quote. I need to put that on a pillow or tee shirt. It is so true. I am so tired of being made to feel guilty because I don't have to go to work. I've worked my whole life to get to this point and have yet to enjoy it. Sorry about the hit a nerve.
Katherine said…
I plan to read Deep Dark Down next--thanks to your recommendation. I am currently reading another Paul Levine book in the Solomon and Lord series. Lots of courtroom drama.

I hope you see some Hummingbirds in your neighbor's vines. We have not seen one for two weeks. I haven't had a chance to research and see where they have gone.
Linda said…
I literally have not heard of any of the books you are reading! I find that fun!! I have many many MANY books going right now - I always do. One I'm concentrating on is a mystery called "Little Black Lies"....

Linda in VA
Anonymous said…
I just finished the Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom. Now I am reading "In the Unlikely Event" by Judy Blume.

Enjoyed Kitchen House and I'm really enjoying the Judy Blume book, but there are lots of characters to keep track of.
My neighbour at our old house had a trumpet vine. It spilled right over to our side. I kinda miss it now
elns said…
I love that you got so much reading done! I am not reading anything right now, just knitting, but I am eyeing the Hotel du Lac that Bridget suggested over at Ravell'd Sleave.
Judy S. said…
I'm reading that Judy Blume book, too. You're right there are lots of characters!
Judy S. said…
Great quote; it is very easy to get over subscribed after retiring because everyone thinks you don't have anything to do! I'm thinking I need the foal book as I love mysteries, any kind.
Mrs. Micawber said…
Ooh, thanks for the book recommendations! I am on a course of light comedy right now after a hectic spring and a busy early summer. The Hyperbole book sounds just the ticket. :)
Tired Teacher said…
Recently read: Angels Watching Over Me, The Summer of Firefly Memories, and Larger Than Life.
SissySees said…
I love that you found a book on the shelves! That's what they are there for.

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