An Aside: Bike Safety
I'm no bike expert, but I'm married to Fireman who loves cycling. Since I have nothing too new to show you today in the knit world, I'll share Fireman's bike tips. First, I'll share a true story for your safety's sake. Years ago Fireman was cycling with my sister and hubby on the road to Mt. Evans in Colorado. Never mind what I was doing at home.... He got ahead of them and was riding alone when a van came barreling down the road. A short time later Fireman came upon a father and son, sitting next to a bruised and battered young woman. She was cycling alone and the same van bumped her off. He Took her spare inner tube, threw her bike into his van, and chased her down a wooded embankment. He fought with her and tied her to a tree. Her screams caught the attention of the father and son. They boldy ran down the embankment and the perpetrator was startled and he passed them on the hill as he fled the scene. He then ...