Knitting and Reading

 I'm half way through the first part of the main square of GSSS
(garter stitch square shawl) 
Tonight I'll start the decreases. 

The directions beyond that point get a bit tricky.
I'm hoping that as I do as instructed it will make sense.
If not, my knit shop would assist me.
 I'm reading SHEEPISH. 
My friend Diane brought it over.   She said I'd laugh and she is right.
With all the Dr. Pol episodes fresh in my head, this is a very understandable read.
I'm used to placenta talk and all that.
Thanks Doc Pol for the visuals.

We got Rozzy's ashes back yesterday.
We toasted her.  Oh that came out badly.
We gave a toast to her. 
Cheers to a wonderful kitty. 


Bridget said…
Yes, cheers to Rozzy!
Tired Teacher said…
I had a small glass of wine at knitting last night. Now I know why: Cheers, Rozzy!
Katherine said…
Cheers to Rozzy who will be remembered as a knit blog icon! So glad you are offering up toasts to her and healing the loss with good memories!
Pammy Sue said…
I love the color of your shawl yarn. Hope the second half goes easy for you. So sorry to hear about your kitty. It's so hard to lose a pet. I've lost many now. I know she is so grateful for the wonderful life you gave her when so many don't have good, long lives at all. We see bobcats around here occasionally. Man is slowly choking them out into the open.
Araignee said…
Wow.....I still haven't seen Dear Old Doggie's ashes yet. The Mister had to hide them until I was ready and I'm still not ready. Silly old me. I picked my Mom's ashes up and took them for a joy ride through the beach in my brand new Mini but I can't handle losing my furbabies....
Anonymous said…
Here's to Rozzy!
Lynn said…
We will have a toast to Rozzy as well.
My 2 boys decided that they no longer wanted to wear their nice collars with the name tags and removed the during the night Monday. We haven't been able to find them and without the bell and tags clinking, they easily sneak around. We are now offering a bag of snack reward to whoever finds them.
I'm glad to hear Rozzy is back at home. I always feel better when the ashes are here. We plant something in the yard and bury the ashes in the container with the new plant.
Teresa Kasner said…
Good going on the shawl.. I am looking for just the right lacy pattern for my big skein of white alpaca. That looks like a fun book! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
knitterbeader said…
Anxious to see your finished shawl.
Sweet toast to Ross!
Unknown said…
Your shawl is coming right along, and I think the color of yarn is wonderful.

Cute title for the book, which must be very entertaining!

And here's to Rozzy!
Meredith said…
Oh my goodness that did come out bad! Here I am raising my glass to Rozzy, too. That book looks great, I will have to check it out.

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