Springtime Sock Knitting

 I've been jumping from sock to sock. 
This is what happens when two is not a pair. 

The purples is Lorna's laces and I love the feel and work of this yarn. 
I did a waffle pattern on this one.

The self patterning is not as fun to knit, because the yarn has very little stretch to it. 
I need some stretch. 

I'm keeping very careful notes on my Year of Socks and I will list my most favorite yarns on the side bar soon. 

This is not my bicycle.  I love old fashioned bikes-
My bike is a Specialized stump jumper. 
Don't worry, I don't jump stumps. 
I barely ride the bike, but that's about to change.

I tried to tell Fireman that I need a softer bike seat and he just laughed. He says there is no such thing and you have to adjust to this every spring. Ouch. 
Let's prove him wrong. 
Ladies, is there a better seat for us?


Tired Teacher said…
My biggest complaint of cycling is the seat! I always think I have enough natural padding, but at the end of the ride I'm a hurting unit.

Love the socks AND the Wizard Of Oz.. It might be time to watch the film again. It was on TV every spring when I was a kid. I didn't know it wasn't all black and white until we got a colored TV.
Katherine said…
I had to laugh about the bicycle seat! I complained about our exercise bike seat being as hard as a rock and DH made fun of me. He said, "Get tough!" Finally I bought a piece of 3 inch foam rubber and some simulated leather and made my own, very puffy, seat with a draw string to hold it on. Works great and I don't let the naysayer use it!
Vera said…
Love your sox!! I've decided that this is the year I WILL learn to knit sox and I just ordered some Lornas Laces yarn. Can't wait. Also loved your boot cuffs and will be making some of those. Bike seats are aweful! My husband got me a folding beach cruiser with (as I call it) the wide-ette seat. Still it's a tad on the hard side. A gel seat cover helps some. Also a shearling cover is great.
susan said…
I have an old fashioned, basic ladies Schwin and it has a nice big seat - can't wait until the warmer weather hits and I can go for a ride again!
Love your socks - so talented.
I have never found a "soft" seat, but I found that a gel seat cover did help quite a bit. That said, I just learned to peddle standing up most of the time.
KSD said…
The purple sock looks like it has puffy clouds on it.
Suburban prep said…
How talented you are to be able to do socks. I am afraid of DPn's. I know stupid because I have made other things that other consider difficult.

As for a soft bike seat--try the sports store in Winnetka.
Araignee said…
I used to love my gel seat when I rode. The Mister's knees are shot so he can't go anymore and I won't cycle alone. I do my peddling indoors when the stationary bike isn't being used as a coat rack. I really do need to dig it out and get moving.
Frieda said…
I love your pair of socks ! There must be something in the air because I did exactly the same thing . I used two different yarns but am knitting the same pattern . I'm almost done with the second sock .

As for the bike seat , two years ago I bought a new seat for my bike that is kind of donut shaped with a hole in the middle .it was recommended by friends who are very into long distance biking . It was amazing the difference , did a whole lot more biking with the new seat ...
Teresa Kasner said…
I'm in awe of your sock making.. making two of them about killed me. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Anonymous said…
The one that came ON my Raleigh is pretty comfortable. It's nothing special, but it works.
Allison B said…
I know it sounds counterintuitive but a SMALLER bike seat is better for ladies. Terry makes bike seats designed just for women http://www.terrybicycles.com/Saddles/Womens-Endurance/Butterfly-Ti-Gel-Saddle_2 (but I'm sure Fireman/dad already told you this)

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