Neighborhood Flower Joy

   Flowers are everywhere this time of year. 

I've had socks at my fingertips.  When I am further along, I will show you some work. I frogged the lace socks and am enjoying vanilla socks with Channon's gift yarn.

I know I know, I'm so boring.  Did I ever tell you that our dog breeder/trainer called us the BORING BOYERS because we wanted a CALM puppy? 
(Huck was the calmest in his litter) 
I have no regrets.

I have decided to knit a pair of socks from the toe up in order to change up my repertoire.  Anyone have a pattern, designer or tips for me on this one?  

My weekend wrap up for those interested in the Boring B's: 
-More time with my sister before she went back to Minnesota. It involved chatting around the kitchen table...
-My dogs have been barking. I am into epsom salt soaks.  I need new workout/walking shoes. 
-A hawk in our tree.  It better not be looking at my new kitten ...but the screened porch protects her. 
-Dry rub ribs from Peapod that were excellent. No need for sauce. They were amazing at 6.99 for a slab that fed Zach and me. 
-Deadheading flowers in the yard...I told you it is not exciting...:) but it sure is peaceful


Katherine said…
I always prefer peaceful!! As for the socks, my advice would be don't do it! I only knitted socks toe up one time and they fit like I made them for Chewbacca the Wookie. I still wear them over another pair of socks to keep my feet warm in the winter.
kathy b said…
Ahhh Katherine..I trust you SO! I wonder if others will say the same thing...??
Unknown said…
I prefer peaceful too! The beautiful flowers add to the peace and beauty of the neighborhood. Lovely!!

I tried toe-up socks once...and I have one sock...never got to the second one. the shape of the toe just didn't work for me, and I got frustrated.

Have you ever worn Keens? They are really great!!!! Wonderful to walk in...long distances are not a problem.
SissySees said…
Hahaha... I love toe-up, because they fit my foot better, but I'm with Katherine... if the top-down socks suit you, don't do it!!

And I finally got the relaxing walk I wanted yesterday. It was uneventful, and even when Sis saw deer, she wasn't as wild as she sometimes is.
Meredith said…
How can you say you are boring when you are knitting socks fro the toe up?
Hugs from your really boring friend, Meredith
Suburban prep said…
People would say that hubby and I are boring but we are the way we are and we enjoy the company of the other.
Celia said…
Boring is good. It's cheap.
Tanna said…
Peaceful is good... ;)

I have no advice on the socks... so sorry. They are starting a toe-up class at our LYS this week... but, that doesn't help. I know you will come up with a great plan. blessings ~ tanna
Judy S. said…
Love those cone flowers Funny thing, I did a flower post today also. Toe up socks are not boring and not my favorite. Good luck with it!
elns said…
Sheesh lady, for as busy as you are, I am so impressed with your posting! Posting of good times, and pretty things. As far as "boring" goes. Please, I work hard at being boring. And often, I think that just means we like things casual and paced enough to enjoy them, so Ha! I will join you in a little "boring" anytime -- and your little dog too. ha!
gMarie said…
Why does everything have to be exciting? I see nothing wrong with a calm puppy, vanilla socks or sitting around the kitchen table visiting. Sounds like a lovely weekend. I adore coneflowers. Thanks for sharing. g
Anonymous said…
Boring is GOOD! At least in this context.

I was sitting by some young-20s the other day and I couldn't believe their conversation (which I couldn't MISS because of the volume) --- oh man....I would be 24 again for anything. Too much drama.
Araignee said…
I have never done toe up socks but they are on the bucket list.
Here I have to watch for eagles that sit in the trees and wait for me to turn my back on my little doggies.
Boring is my cup of tea and I need more of it.
Gracie Saylor said…
Kathy, you think you are boring? Although I rarely admit it, I live in the town of Boring, Oregon. I saw a book advertised for knitting two socks at a time from the toe up, this if one isn't challenging enough :) After having a little dog named Barkas, I applaud your choice of a calm pet!
Gracie :)
fancystitching said…
I LOVE making toe-up socks! I will have to look up the name of the cast-on I use that makes the toe so easy and neat looking. It is in a Cat Bordhi book, so you might be able to find it on her web site... she has videos of several of her techniques. For SURE you want to use the "Jenny's very stretchy" bind-off. There is a video of that, also. It is very confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it you can fly. I also use a small crochet hook in my right hand to do the bind-off... it helps keep you from dropping stitches as you bring one stitch through 2 others on the needle. If you have any questions, feel free to "e" me. I've made about 25 pair of toe-ups!
Nicole said…
My one and only toe-up tip: find a toe you like. I think my current favorite cast-on is Judy's Magic Cast-On. Some friends have other preferred method. But toes can be fiddley, so find one you like.

Love the flowers! And there's nothing wrong with good ol' vanilla.

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