Tuesday Opinions........
Today I'm full of opinions. The cat toy above is a winner. Santa brought it to the cats in our house this Christmas and they continue to play with it all the time. Even old Rozzy gets up to play with this toy. The middle is a scratcher and Beatles has already worn the first side of it out. Flip it over and you have another surface for scratching. Well worth the money, this is up there with Da Bird in the cat toy department. No surprise here: I love wooden Clover needles. I am using them now on the baby poncho. I promise to show the poncho tomorrow. It is at the hood stage and it is darling. I'd use another yarn next time as this acrylic has almost no give to it, and I like some give. Don't you? Expensive Lancome moisturizer and fade cream is a bust. It is going back for a full 120.00 dollar refund. Are you laughing? Was I nuts to try it for that price? The counter girl said it is complete...