Coming Home

This is what I see when I come home after work at night.
My porch. 
My haven.
My home.
My country.

I just read a book about going away and coming home.
The Pull of the Moon by
Elizabeth Berg. 

I love the way Elizabeth writes. 
I don't always love the stories she tells. 
I havent' read a book in ages. 

Here's the truth, I skimmed a bit and it is a less than 200 hundred page book. 

I didn't have my knitting with me....
enough said. 

TODAY: knitting

(what do you see when you come home at night?)


Celia said…
Awww! It's so nice to be home and put your feet up. I love the flag.
Vera said…
Your porch looks so inviting! I loved "The Pull of the Moon" and have enjoyed many of Elizabeth Berg's other books as well...but think the Moon is my favorite.
Katherine said…
Your home looks so inviting and comfy!! A beautiful place to come home to!

The tree covering makes it necessary for us to have our outside lights on motion detector and the porch lights on a timer. When I drive up to the house I see the porch lights on and I feel like someone is home waiting for me even if DH and the dogs are in the car with me and no one is there. Nothing is better than to have someone waiting for you when you come home!
Nancy said…
I love the image of your porch. It reminds me of the old commercial that said, "we'll leave the light on for you." Nothing says welcome more than a lighted porch light.
Lynneb said…
I absolutely love that little cat sweater! It's so preppy!
Anonymous said…
I have read all of Elizabeth Berg's books. I just bought her newest one.

What do I see when I come home? Usually a dark front porch. LOL
Meredith said…
I see the lights peeking out and the warmth of my home. I love the way it looks knowing it is a place I love to be.
Hugs to you,
Mrs. Micawber said…
I see warm light glowing from behind red curtains ... which will soon (I hope) be changed out for our muslin warm weather curtains.

I love your flag ... how strange and how lovely that a glimpse of our country's flag should give us such a tug of the heart and lump in the throat.
Araignee said…
I can't even think of the last time I came home at night. I am too much of a sissy to drive at night. I don't see as well as I used to and I hate when things jump out at me. We have to many suicidal critters in these parts.
Anonymous said…
I see a safe place, a place I can trust and unconditional love. The Sprout is cute personified, but I think that pic is over the top cute! Thanks for reading and commenting.
Judy S. said…
Great photo. Often whenever we come home one or the other of our two cats is peeking out the window by the door....waiting.
Unknown said…
Yes, nice photo...home should look like an invitation to warmth, security, and love...
Lynneb said…
oh, kathyb, Elizabeth Berg is one of my favorite authors! I've read every one of her books!
i come home to comfort, security and love.

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