A Little Coat for Beatle Bug

Beatles new sweater and only sweater fits him perfectly.  I had so much fun knitting the Linus Easy Dog Sweater by KnitandBake.  You know I'm casting on another for some doggie out there. 

Beatles was introduced very slowly to a harness and leash last summer.  He loves walking in our yard and rolling in the grass and chewing the tall fountain grass tips.   

We need a little silly right now don't you think? 

(I used a Vanna's Choice acrylic yarn leftover from Zach's snowboard hat. )


Anonymous said…
He looks quite handsome! I assume no humans were injured in the application of the sweater?
Bridget said…
This is the best part of my day so far! Please give him a kiss from me.
Karen said…
Awww, that's adorable!! I don't imagine K.C. would ever let me put a sweater on her. Beatles sure looks like a sweetie!
Allison said…
Aww Bea Bo. I don't think my kitties would put up with that.
SissySees said…
That's very cute! I walked my bunnies on a leash/harness, and one cat - Socrates, who also LOVED a road trip - would probably have cooperated.
elns said…
Absolutely Fantastic!
Katherine said…
Beatle's coat is so cute!! I am amazed that he will wear it. I haven't used Vanna's yarn yet but I've been knitting baby things with a lot of acrylic yarn lately--mostly I Love This Yarn. And I do. Love it!
karen said…
That cat has style! lovely outfit and I love how your cat models it confidently :)
Judy S. said…
Amazing! We only tried a leash once on a former cat who immediately fell over as if paralyzed. So, did you promise Beatles creamed kidneys or what? Beatle looks quite dashing!
kathy b said…
Haha Judy

I introduced the vest to him early on. At first, he would act paralyzed, but after many days of briefly putting it on him and giving him lots of praise...
I took him in the yard when it was full of birds and he forgot himself and began moving around with it on.

Araignee said…
Daughter takes her cat out on a leash and I think it is so funny. Of course, the poor thing is more like a boat anchor than a cat. Beatle looks very contented in his new duds. He is quite a remarkable cat!
Mrs. Micawber said…
I was wondering how he could tolerate a sweater - then you mentioned the harness and leash.

He looks very handsome indeed.

Re chives: I think mine started out as baby plants from the nursery (many seasons ago). They come back year after year - even in a pot left outside to freeze (the voice of experience). They will spread naturally underground - by division I suppose - and if you let some of the blossoms dry on the plant, they'll also seed themselves and come up as little shoots all over the place the next year. Then you can gather the shoots and put them in a pot ... and the whole thing will start over!

The blossoms are tasty, and spectacular in a salad.
Nancy said…
I wish that all cat owners would train their pets with a harness and leash. My neighborhood is overrun with loose cats.

Love Beatles' jacket.
Anonymous said…
He's a very lucky kitty to sport such an awesome sweater! Thanks for reading and commenting.
Unknown said…
What a great spring sweater for Beatles! I'm also amazed that he is wearing it! I was interested to read that you slowly introduced the idea to him, and he gave in to all the praise! Wonderful cat!!
Celia said…
The cat is tolerating the sweater pretty well. The sweater looks great.
Lynn said…
I love this!! How he will wear this is amazing!!
Yarn Miracle said…
So cute!

Betty loves her harness and leash too. She gets all excited when you get them out to put on her for a walk. I think she learned that from Angus.

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