Knitting and Golf........

Friend Sharon's Yorkie is adorable. 
Someday??? a Yorkie???

Someday a sweater...

Saturday link love for you: LotushandmadeHoops

As for me, Tiger is a cheat and once a cheat 
almost always a cheat....
We are going to a MASTER's Party tomorrow. 
Tiger cheated on his wife over and over
Wouldn't it be so refreshing to see Tiger 
get in front of a camera and say his cheating days are long over .
He needs to withdraw from this competition Now.


Katherine said…
I agree with you on Tiger!! I watch a lot of golf with DH and I didn't like Tiger before his cheating became public. Then I decided that if he will cheat on his wife he will cheat at golf. I am a Phil Mickelson girl all the way!!

The little Yorkie is precious!
KSD said…
No way Tiger was going to be disqualified. Augusta National and CBS would have lost too much money if he were gone.
SissySees said…
Not a Tiger fan. Never was. Now Bubba?! That's another story. I'm all choked up just thinking about the baby swaddled in the green jacket...

Yorkies are terriers, so you know I'm a fan!!
Mrs. Micawber said…
The dog is adorable. The Tiger, NOT!

LouLou said…
What a cute little Yorkie! Love the Yorkies....I couldn't live without my little guy! As for Tiger, well don't get me started on that scoundrel!
Meredith said…
I am with you on the Tiger thing, I am not a gold fan, I think a lot of them cheat, but I hope not. Yorkies are soooo cute, I think there might be one in our future.
Araignee said…
Be warned! Yorkies are little terrorists who take over your life. I have spent 18 years bowing and scraping to my little spoiled rotten bundle of fluff-and I don't regret a second.

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