
Showing posts from October, 2007

Fell off my broom......

Broken wine glass from wedding 25 years ago Sixteen dollars. Emergency Room Outpatient Visit Co -Pay for stitches in foot Seventy-five dollars. Excuse to elevate foot and knit..... PRICELESS!

Oh it was scary alright.....

"You should have seen the knots in her work. Everyone she made on a Sunday she had to take out with her nose!" These ghosts are Irish for sure. My Irish Nana would always say, If you did any sewing on Sunday, you'd have to take the stitiches out with your nose, when you were in pergatory. Anyone else? Were you told such things? My Nana would laugh as she said it. I'm keeping my knitting pretty black and white these days. The sister vest, dare I jinx it, is cooperating. I"m sure it is the Knitting Pure and Simple Pattern I am now following. I love every pattern they put out there. Straightforward, no nonsense. shows their patterns and a gallery of successfully knitted garments by the average knitter. There is a hint in this post. I won't say for who, because it would run the surprise. Black and white, hmmmmm, black and white........

Diane the lurkers Halloween Secret........

Diane says if you mix peanuts with candy corn it tastes like a Payday candy bar or a Pearson's Nutroll (minnesota fame). It really does. Warning: addicting. These little treat bags will be the trick eh? I love winning yarn. I've been following for the very latest in contests. Great source to share with you! My LYS 3 Bags Full is having their fall yarn sale. Lots of good yarns still left. I found a bargain for a Rowan New Shapes pattern book. 1/2 off :). Thanks Debbi for pointing it out to me. There are some biggy knits vests that I want to knit now. I'm enjoying all your blogs with their Halloween posts. Such a sweet and silly time of year. My Hungarian side hates to admit it is a Celtic tradition in origin.

Twisted Rib Scarf Button placement

This is part one. Please read the post below this for Part Two. Thanks

Malabrigo Button Warmer

Here is my Twisted Rib Neck Warmer in Malabrigo Kettle-Dyed purples. Three Bags Full designed the quick and easy pattern. I have posted the other photo I think you should see above this post. I'm having image posting issues. Sorry. The point is, (yes Kathy b. get to the point!) the buttons have to be sewn on the diagonal for the snug fit. I figured this out myself. (one small step for mankind, one huge step for Kathy b.) My love for malabrigo is rekindled. One of the few yarns I can wear without itching. Oh, another thing, I used just OVER one skein. Some of you can figure out how to make it a one skein. I never tie scarves well, so this is a good solution for me. I'm restarting the sister vest. This time I am using a Knitting Pure and Simple Pattern. I have a question for you all, why do I knit tighter on circular needles? Any hints for me? Does anyone else do this? Tomorrow, Diane the lurker's, killer Halloween snack. The darling baby hat posted a bit ...

Parent Teacher Knitting Conference

My parents enter the classroom and sit in very comfortable chairs with excellent lighting. Room is littered with charts, cable needles, sweaters in the steeking process, and posters. Poster on door to classroom : Swatch aloud with your child every night! Poster of the yarn pyramid clipped to chalkboard. Bottom of the pyramid is malabirgo, top of the pyramid is angora. Note waiting for my parents on coffeetable next to comfortable chairs reads: Dear Mom and Dad, Welcome to our room. I like snack time. Sometimes we knit outside. love kathy Teacher enters with smart glasses hanging momentarily mid-chest where they rest on a Alice Starmore designed sweater in breathtaking warm color scheme. She pats my mothers hand says, "so YOU'RE Kathy b's parents. Here are some of her swatches"............ Mostly garter and stockinette squares appear in front of them. My mother says, "Oh well now, it gives her something to do. I love the cute dishcloths she makes ...

My 2 season knit corner

This is my knit corner for the warm months. I need to have one inside for the cold months...... The real point of this post is to tell you that Beth from CraftyCanines/StuckonSocks is the winner of the post celebration. Beth, send me an email and I will tell you how to contact Anne P from Wooly Wonka Fibers to choose from her yarns. What fun it was to hear from regulars and lurkers alike. Thanks for the ghoulish thrill!

Thrilled to Death to be my Guest Bloggers on 700th post

Here's the contest: Leave a comment, make sure it isn't anonymous, I'll randomly choose a winner. The prize: YOUR CHOICE of yarn from Wooly Wonka Fibers up to 30.00. Wooly Wonka's owner has the blog: How the West Was Spun. Great lovely hand-dyed. Get it? hand DIED!

Diane the Lurkers Violet Baby Hat

I work with Diane the lurker. She is a fine knitter. She is always interested in what our little work knit group is doing. She made the twins, who threatened to deliver over the weekend, two of these Violet hats. They have darling ear flaps. She picked up for the flaps, then did an i-cord on each, and put the violet on one tie and the leaf on the other. The little group of violets on the top are so darling. I know there two camps: those who comment and those who lurk. I am glad to know there are wonderful lurkers out there like Diane. (and Great Husband and some ladies from 3 Bags) Sometimes I can lure a lurker with a contest.....Mine starts tomorrow with my 700th post.

7 Scarey Truths about me

Bianca has tagged me. Here are 7 scarey truths about me: I don't read charts. Not just the knitting kind. Especially the knitting kind, however. I tie knots when I make a sweater. Yup. I don't believe that other way will work. I get crabby when I think of having to go to a place/party/gathering where knitting isn't the best thing to be doing. Once I get there, I have fun , even without my knitting. Almost always. I love reading blogs almost as much as posting my own. I only wear my handknit socks to work, with few exceptions. I didn't mind at all when my first pathetic poncho got a ember from the campfire on it the other night. That's why I wear it in the dark to campfires anyhow. Do you have a scarey truth? Consider yourself tagged if you wish.

Binkie Blankie

So, I didn't get her a toy from China afterall. My friend's new baby girl will get a binkieblankie. This is just a tiny blanket for holding while you suck on your NUK, bink, pacifier, whatever you want to call it. I used the Luna yarn in purple for the base. It was gifted to me in an early yarn theme swap on PURPLE. The Flowers, Vine and edging are Socks That Rock leftovers. All afterthoughs. Binkie Blankie is 100% machine washable. Bring on the wet burps. We are sooooo close to post # 700. You KNOW I'll have a contest.....stay tuned

October mysteries......

This is the month I reserve the right to blog about knitting with spooky unrelated images. Several bone chilling events have occurred here in the past few days. A furry mouse was left in the living room, after the cats got it. I'd much rather find 'em dead than alive. Still, the body just laying there and all......ewwwww. My camera, is on the fritz. This is very very scary for me. Unsure of the problem. Shakey at the thought of being without my blog essentials. Feeling compelled to buy orange and black yarn........ hmmmmmmmmmm

Road trip reviews

The drive along the Mississippi up to Minnesota was, perhaps, the most beautiful drive of any I've taken in the country. This includes Hawaii. Fall colors and darling towns flirted at us the whole way. It is clearly harvest time in Ag. land. I'm a sucker for fall, autumn, halloween. Oh, this is a knit blog. I bought a pattern in LaCrosse and it may solve my zipped vest conundrum. I think I can trick my sister into thinking it is the Oat Couture pattern. This oneis Knitting Pure and Simple. "Here Mom," Al said, "It's in the round. You can knit this." Speaking of sisters, mine, loved the top down raglan. Can you believe I didnt get her picture to show you? She'll wear it in for Thanksgiving and I'll show it to you then. She loved it. She appreciated it. She wants the vest now..... Visited The Yarnery in St. Paul on Grand Ave. Time was short for knit shops. I have a list of others to visit on the next trips. Must say it reminded ...

Under a spell?

Its this dishrag thing. Al is worried. "You're making aNOTHER one mom?" she asked. I just want to knit more dishrags. I found the circular pattern, (he we go again I'm either knitting in the round or on the round) on The Mielke's Farm website. Perhaps I will knit dishrags the entire month of October. So what? So what if I bore the few devoted readers I have. So what if I make everyone a dishrag for Christmas. So what? It doesn't mean I have to DO the dishes. I'm making great use of stash leftovers. Others have had this thing with dishrags come over them. I've read about it on other blogs. My latest idea is to expand it with soft yarn and make one into a baby blanket. Except that would involve a yarn purchase. Hmmmmm, where can I find a yarn shop? Vicki of Knitorious has a whole list of Wisconsin shops. Debra of and Diane the LURKER have given me Minnesota shops. I may just get on my broom and ...

Wraps a me in Blues

1) The potpourri shawl by Chis Blysma designs. 2) Too tired to knit 3) America's next top model co-ordinates eye mask, pillow, futon and shawl. 4) Irisheyes slackin off 5) Siesta time strictly enforced 6) If the shawl fits ...wear it 7) Dreaming of yarn prizes 8) Mummy fights bone chilling temps. 9) Ex-Cub fan has nightmares of 69. and 84 and 02 10) Bears shame fans into hybernation early