"You should have seen the knots in her work. Everyone she made on a Sunday she had to take out with her nose!" These ghosts are Irish for sure. My Irish Nana would always say, If you did any sewing on Sunday, you'd have to take the stitiches out with your nose, when you were in pergatory. Anyone else? Were you told such things? My Nana would laugh as she said it. I'm keeping my knitting pretty black and white these days. The sister vest, dare I jinx it, is cooperating. I"m sure it is the Knitting Pure and Simple Pattern I am now following. I love every pattern they put out there. Straightforward, no nonsense. www.knittingpureandsimple.com shows their patterns and a gallery of successfully knitted garments by the average knitter. There is a hint in this post. I won't say for who, because it would run the surprise. Black and white, hmmmmm, black and white........