Not angora bunnies

Here are the newest flower wreckers in the neighborhood. Despite my having a very large dog that is encouraged to chase momma bunny outta my yard, she decided to dig yet another hole and....there you have it. These 3 were somewhere entirely different in the yard, without any covering at all, so my hero is putting them with the others in the nest. I wanted ANGORA bunnies...

when life gives you dont' get angora.

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Pat K said…
Oooh, how tiny! Hope we can get bunny updates now.
Karen said…
Oh my goodness, they are so tiny. (And kinda ugly . . . but that will change quickly and they'll be so cute). I agree with Pat - you will update us on them, right? I don't know what's wrecking my squash plants, but I suspect it's stupid birds. When life hands me lemons . . . I don't get yellow squash. :(
Anonymous said…
Oh how cute. I hope they do ok. Please do keep us updated.

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