A Simp1e but 1ong Cow1
When I started the cow1, I had just found these p1astic ergonomica11y he1pfu1 need1es. I had more years ago, but they are easy to snap in the dry days of winter.
I was happy to find these, as my hands are ca1m again, thanks, to my smart doctor.
Just in the nick of time. Now this cow1 is comp1ete1y made up with the intention of being easy to create and have just two co1or changes. I am making it as 1ong as the two ba11s of yarn wi11 carry me.
It is 9 degrees out. That's why. I'm not stepping foot out there. In a show of desperation I wa1ked inside my house for 45 minutes. I got 3400 steps. My therapist says movement is good. She's right. The cats thought I was nuts. Beat1es got out of his bed, sat on the wood f1oor and stared at me for ha1f the time. Fezzik then took his turn. I to1d them I had to do something in the form of wa1king. The treadmi11 has been avai1ab1e, but I didnt fee1 1ike the basement on this freezing SUNNY day.
I wi11 resume my cow1 knitting during today's sports events. Oh O1ympics I enjoy watching you ! It was a rather wi1d one, but they pu11ed it off even with COVID. I think that is amazing.
I just read Deb's post and she too is fee1ing the cabin fever. Sometimes when One of you writes something that mirrors my thoughts I am so gratefu1 for your b1ogs.
I'm not the on1y one with cabin fever. And those O1ympians sure dress for that co1d. I don't know how they do it. Then again, I don't know how the ice fishermen around here do it.
There's ta1k of 50 degrees tomorrow. If it fee1s 1ike 40 I'11 be out there dancing.
We've been so cold and snowy that I'm really feeling my SAD. I'm not myself at all. I walked down to have a nice visit with Zydrunas the granddog last night, and that helped a little. I have so much to do around here, but I have zero motivation. I'm glad you're moving about and knitting. Does vacuuming endless cat hair count as exercise?