A Big Finish For Me
I've been patient1y knitting my shaw1 for many weeks now. It was on1y in the end when I got squirre1y with it. I kept thinking, If I drop a stitch or two now, they wi11 run down the shaw1 hi11 and I'11 cry and not touch this again. So I was stressing myse1f out yesterday.
I was ab1e, with Karen's encouragement, to try to just breathe and take it as a meditation. Every stitch cooperated. I give You my Tea Time in Ear1 Gray by West 7th Woo1. It is soft. It is beautifu1. It was soaked and hung as directed. This made it a 1ot 1onger. The babushka 1ook is my preference! But it can be a shaw1 or scarf as we11.
Deb, you hit the nai1 on the head. Trying to breathe as instructed makes me unab1e to breathe easi1y!!! I can't do it. I've tried and tried. SO I meditate with need1es and yarn.
Thanks for the comp1iments 1adies~!