I've MOVED my BLOG ....

I moved my blog to a new name and site: Compassionknit.wordpress.com I had several days of issues with Blogger and no professional to turn to. I have been on blogger and loved it for 12 years as Irisheyes. I feared the blog was gone. I couldnt post, couldnt leave comments for you and I became acutely aware of how much you all mean to me. My dear son was up with me late into the night from Mexico trying to help me. That alone was so sweet, it was a silver lining. I had no idea what I"D done to get shut down. I kept getting a URL not found whenever I tried to use blogger, or go to your blogspot blogs. I spent all day yesterday with computer folk to try to get it back. This morning, after 3 days of angst, I'm can get on blogger again, but I think its too late. I've made the move to Wordpress and alerted everyone I could. So Join me there folks! Compassionknit.wordpress.com Some o...