Ponderings.....Monday Q and A

Monday August 15th Q and A, Come and Play

 When was the last time you saw a butterfly? 
(I spied with my little eye, a monarch butterfly just yesterday on my zinnias) 
Why on Earth is this shoe on top of the station wagon.?  It appears to be tied there.  
(Fireman's guess was my favorite: those shoes smell so bad they cannot keep them in the car whilst they drive) 

Do you prefer a cardigan with buttons or a zipper?  (assuming you dont have to put the buttons or zipper in) 
(I so love the right buttons on a sweater but I'll be darned if I'm putting them on it)
When was the last time you wished you didn't have so many ends to weave in?
(Yesterday.  I wanted to give a pair of socks as a birthday gift and I had not woven in the ends . My finishing needle is packed amid a sea of boxes so I had to give her another pair.  She loved the pair I gave her anyhow. )
When was the last time someone asked you, "Did you knit that?" (this includes relatives who have seen you don articles of clothing that perhaps begged the question) 
(I realize its unbearably hot for most of us right now. So I had to think.  I gave my pal a birthday pair of socks and her friend asked if I knit them) 

When was the last time you spilled a drink?
(Does everyday count?  Still Zach gave me an untippable drinking container yesterday.  It was a perfect gift. Just try knocking that baby over. It cannot be done! It is made by Mightymug) Who knew my adult children would be giving their mother an adult sippy cup one day? I love it. 

Are you a fan of Dot&Bo house decor?  (the are the new pottery barn in my book)
(Big fan.  Don't like their prices though) 

When was the last time you floated in a tube on a river or lake, jet skied or water skied?
(I think i was last sitting in a tube on a gorgeous day in Wisconsin's northwoods on Big kitten Lake. It was a long time ago, as in 8 years ago)
If you could knit with anyone today who would it be? (not fair to say me, that's a given ..lol)
(My Allison Jo of course.  She's still in Oklahoma ...ok?)

Your turn. Hope you enjoy TODAYS Q AND A


Anonymous said…
Answers are on my blog.

I always wonder how so many people can lose ONE shoe in the middle of the road?????

Oh and furniture --------did you NOT NOTICE that your sofa fell off your truck????

Ahhhhhhhhhh...living in Florida. It's an ADVENTURE!
Vera said…
Ha! Answers on my (new!!!) blog: thethreadedlane.blogspot.com
Anonymous said…
1. Does seeing one on IG count?
2. I agree with the Fireman and maybe it was wet and needed air drying.
3. Buttons and I don't like having to pick up sts for a buttonband.
4. Can't remember which is probably why I haven't knitted that kind of project for so long.
5. Not since we left our SF school as the population knew I was a hardcore knitter.
6. Saturday; I spilled hot tea on my hand while putting down the cup on my nightstand tray.
7. I've never heard of that store before.
8. I did the tube when I was a kid.
9. I would like to knit with Julia Roberts.
Betsy said…
1. On Saturday, flying by the hummingbird feeder.
2. Don't have a clue unless it was too stinky as Fireman suggests.
3. Buttons always
4. I don't remember the question but I think it was asking if someone asked if knitted something. If so, it was yesterday when I gave away a baby sweater.
5. Can't remember the question here either. I think I'm getting old!!!!
6. Last night, I filled my water glass to the brim and didn't realize it.
7. Have never heard of them
8. I floated on the lake yesterday! It was divine because it's so hot here right now.
9. Any of my blogging friends. We would have a wonderful time.
Stacey Minter said…
Thanks for the fun questions this week. I hope you had a great weekend and hope you have a wonderful week. :) Here are my answers.

Delighted Hands said…
1 Today at the garden nursery at Ace's Hardware.
2 The shoe stinks....anyone with teenage sons can relate!
3 Buttons!
4 I totally don't mind weaving in ends and do it while knitting down a ways or all at the end-I don't care, it is relaxing!
5 Wearing a shawl; the woman was sure I would sell it to her-I didn't.
6 I spill regularly-my big insulated cup on my floor at bedtime....I was not a cheerful cleaner upper!
7 Never heard of them.
8 Last year at Kelly State park...don't the spring. Cold but relaxing!
9 My new friend...she will come to knit once a week and it will be wonderful; I have been real live friend starved for 10 years!
kathy b said…
Vera Happy New Blog FOUND YA.
Dee I agree kids must toss others shoes out the window to be funny ...not
Stef is your hand okay? Hot tea ouch. I Fell off a kitchen chair on my keester saturday. I can barely sit. Idiot me, sandals standing on a kitchen chair. THANK God my knitting hands/arms are fine.
Betsy! You floated on a lake yesterday...im beyond jealous
Cindy, smart butterfly to head to Ace's nursery!
Everybody take the link to Stacy's blog if you have never. She's a reader!
Araignee said…
1. I saw two monarch doing a dance in my front yard last week.
2. Dunno...but shoes always seem to turn up in weird places, don't they?
3. Buttons. I love buttons.
4. All the time! I don't even want to think about it....
5. MDSW. Someone always asks me about my shawl.
6. I just spilled my diet Pepsi all over the counter.
7. Ditto. I don't know them but I still am in love with Ikea. I'm cheap and the kitties are hard on furniture.
8. Never have. We don't have lakes or rivers around here you could swim in. We have the Bay but it's full of listeria, vibrio and other creepy things. I haven't been in it since I was a kid and it was clean.
9. I can't knit when other people are around. I found that out at knit night. I can't knit and talk at the same time.
elns said…
When was the last time you saw a butterfly? Rather recently out of the city but the one I remember the most was in the middle of a very urban area of town. It was hanging out by the perimeter of a one block park all by it's lonesome.
Why on Earth is this shoe on top of the station wagon.? ELVES, obviously.
Do you prefer a cardigan with buttons or a zipper? BUTTONS, they are forgiving when you only use a couple at a time. Zippers demand the compliance of the entire torso.
When was the last time you wished you didn't have so many ends to weave in? Everytime I have to weave them in.
When was the last time someone asked you, "Did you knit that?" When I wore my IBA sweater someone asked me. And I did! I am also one of those ask a random stranger if it looks handknit!
When was the last time you spilled a drink? Hmm. I'm pretty wild with a coffee mug. I'd say last week when I was using my reusable Starbucks cup. (I drink half a cup at home and then pour the other half to go).
Are you a fan of Dot&Bo house decor? Unfamiliar with it.
When was the last time you floated in a tube on a river or lake, jet skied or water skied? First weekend of August we went up to the Russian River with the Kid and his pal to play for the day.
If you could knit with anyone today who would it be? You of course!
karen said…
I could knit with anyone who wants to knit with me!! I prefer cardigans with buttons buttons and buttons!!
When was the last time you saw a butterfly?
Everyday – there’s always at least one little white one in the yard
Why on Earth is this shoe on top of the station wagon.?
I’m with Fireman – it must have been a smelly one!
Do you prefer a cardigan with buttons or a zipper?
Buttons – then you can button one, or all depending on your mood
When was the last time you wished you didn't have so many ends to weave in?
Pretty much any time I have an end!
When was the last time someone asked you, "Did you knit that?"
Almost anytime I wear something knit. All my coworkers know I knit, so one of them almost always asks.
When was the last time you spilled a drink?
This morning. I’m very klutzy.
Are you a fan of Dot&Bo house decor?
Never heard of it – doesn’t look they are in Canada yet.
When was the last time you floated in a tube on a river or lake, jet skied or water skied?
Would you believe, never…?
If you could knit with anyone today who would it be?
Do kitties count? I’d love to have my Tuxie back for a knitting/snuggle session.
Suburban prep said…
When my sister was undergoing cancer treatment at Loyola in Maywood my parents were with another sister (who is a nurse) and driving on the expressway. The car in front of them had a mattress on top of the car. The mattress fell off and the car kept on driving. Now as it is always traffic time in the Chicago area my parents could not avoid the mattress and therefore got caught with the mattress under their car and well they could not go anywhere. They ended up calling one of the expressway minutemen. It was raining to boot. So it was a soggy mattress (who knows why the people had it on top of the car in the rain). All this and they were trying to go see their daughter (who is now 15 yrs out from the cancer bone marrow transplant) who was undergoing stage 4 cancer.
So people have strange things on top of their car. I have seen bags and coffees on top of cars as well.

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