Home Again Home Again Jiggity Jig

Fireman and I just returned from a few days in Door County. We love Door County. Our plan was to stay at the "door" of Peninsula State Park and ride and hike for two days. We did. Fireman had a Gulden Draak. He loved this beer. We worked up an appetite and there is no better place to eat than Door County. If you've never been well, its a sliver of land North of Green Bay and Sturgeon Bay. It's charming little towns are well kept and offer the tourist lots of options. We ate most of our meals at Julie's Motel and Cafe. The staff was friendly and genuine. Our little server for the mornings was a girl from Turkey. She had so much pride in her country. She says the news depicts it poorly, but she loves her country. Chicken pot pie, with the best crust ever was my favorite treat. Door County is all about cherries and orchards, and about water and the Bay and the L...