Friday Fun .......This Post is All Over the Board

 I need to bring a gift to an 11 year old girl, my great niece.
A friend told me that Babycakes is a great gift.
Like an Easy Bake Oven for big girls who aren't quite big enough to manage the oven. 
Have you seen this?

 This big girl is notorious for breaking glasses.
And glass bowls. 
So I found these "wine" cups that ought to last around here.
I'll let you know!

 Another friend gave me a great tip:  They have great recipes. 
I made their lettuce wraps this week.  
Lots of veggie choppin but great flavor .

 When Al was home I gave her my mom's apron. 
My mom was 19 when her mother in law crocheted this for her. 
Olga was my Hungarian grandma, my dad's mom. 
The Hungarians are looking kind of mean right now aren't they?
I hope MY relatives there are helpers to the refugees.

Everyone in the Central Plains and Midwest are experiencing storms.
Last night the clouds looked full of energy and they delivered. 


 I can't believe September is half over.
It just may be my favorite month of the year.

What's your favorite Month?


Pammy Sue said…
I like posts that are all over the board. They're fun and show more of what's happening around your place. I'll check out that Thanks for passing that tip along! Have a great weekend.
Teresa Kasner said…
I also like posts that cover lots of things. Your daughter is adorable and that apron is so cool and vintage! We had a day of rain and now the sun is back, but I'm off soon to swim with Gracie. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Kim in Oregon said…
I think my posts are all over the board too! We had lots of rain yesterday but sadly we get very little thunder and lightning out west. I think October is my favorite--September is usually pretty hot and dry here (not this year) and October is Prime Fall Time! Plus football.
Linda said…
I always enjoy your posts! I've never seen one of those ovens in person - only on Price Is Right - LOL! That apron - is so crazy and fun! Hmmm, my favorite month is probably October. But then I like November also. And February - I'm one of those odd people who like February for some reason....

Linda in VA
Araignee said…
I am a big fan of December. I always am a Grinch when it comes to Christmas but I like the promise of snow and the cold for the first few weeks. I am always over it by January though!
Katherine said…
I like February. It promises cold weather, it's a slow month for me at work, and I can sit under an afghan and knit a lot.

The apron is darling. It makes me wonder why I don't knit a few cotton aprons.
Anonymous said…
September is my SECOND favorite month. I always thought the new year should start in September. LOL

October is my most favorite month starts to cool off here, and I just love all the fall decorations everywhere.
Unknown said…
My fave month is October. The weather cools off for good and I ca. Once again pull out my favorite sweaters snd socks.
Meredith said…
Mine is October, it finally cools off down here. Halloween is my favorite holiday by far and it is also Mr 21's birthday. Al is the cutest.
Tired Teacher said…
My favorite month is June and second favorite is October.

Love the apron and its history.
Denise Long said…
You used the tips and I will do it. And then, I will share it too. Thanks for sharing!

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