It's 2 to Nothing
What fun I had today meeting Judy again, and her daughter.
Judy, you know, of Stitch Along With me, is a fantastic knitter.
Fireman and I met Judy and Dick 2 years ago when they came to town.
Today we caught up and as we parted, Dear Pretend Friend Judy hugged me and said
"It's two to nothing now and you have to come to Washington!"
We will Judy !!!
Judy showed me her WIPs. Her shawl in maroon, gray and pink is going to be stunning. We talked about the troubles we have with dropped garter stitches.
Judy is very much more accomplished a knitter than I .
Judy is very much more accomplished a knitter than I .
She is knitting a sweater with the name PACIFIC that will be so lovely .
I saw her UNDINE socks. Really cute.
Finally she showed me her Hermione's Sock.
I love that pattern. Exclamation points times three!
She told me how it is a four row repeat, and I'm going to try it on my very next hat.
Judy picks her stitches. I tend to throw.
She told me how it is a four row repeat, and I'm going to try it on my very next hat.
Judy picks her stitches. I tend to throw.
She gifted me a lovely skein of sock yarn and her Church's Choir cd. What a lovely gift. I love church music.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again,
When Pretend Friends meet, its Magical!
You and Judy look like you had a great time. It does sound like you have an excuse to hop out to the Northwest.
I've knit a couple of pairs of Hermione Socks, and it is a great pattern. Unisex, too!
I'm getting to meet two other bloggers too in the near future. I'm going to have to make sure I get PICTURES. WE forgot last year.